
This is the operating method of this brutal regime of thugs. Whether poisoned, tossed from a window, or simply disappeared, this regime deals with political opponents just like the Tsars or Stalin and his successors. The Russian government and its enablers resemble a mafia organization more than a government as we understand it in the West. And yet, on this site, and throughout far right wing America, Putin is a man we should admire and trust. What a reversal from the eighties when it was lefties with a love affair with the brutality of Russia.
I have been following a bit of the Fox coverage of the GA DA trial. Like I said I have no skin in the game as I only live in AZ for 5 months a year. I’m wondering if it’s a “don’t do as I do, do as I say” kind of thing.
To me, if she is a criminal then every case she has touched is tainted. It’s not like she is prosecuting traffic tickets. JM2C.
Her boyfriend/prosecutor was an ambulance chaser dealing in sketchy cases. And she gave him a contract to prosecute this case.

So the president of the United States is stealing an election and this is the team to put him away?

They are 3rd rate litigators at best. If Trumps team can’t defeat the clown show in court. They need to be locked up with him.

And I’m sure this side show of prosecutorial misconduct is the product of the Trump team doing the digging that the Georgia state AG should have done. This is an embarrassment for the state of Georgia AG office.
Judging by all the news, doesn't it feel like the circus has sent in the clowns to keep us distracted.
Yep…. “watch the shiny object”, while playing the Sabre dance song in the background.

Also, even Putin says he will prefer Brandon over Trump.
I am just saying that they are two separate unrelated issues so I don't see why Fox is covering it so much. If she is found in violation, she should be penalized but if she does, it will have no bearing on Trump's case either way.
They are more closely related than you realize. Their credibility is shot. They lied to the court. There is that pesky rico statutes thing….,,,
I have been following a bit of the Fox coverage of the GA DA trial. Like I said I have no skin in the game as I only live in AZ for 5 months a year. I’m wondering if it’s a “don’t do as I do, do as I say” kind of thing.
To me, if she is a criminal then every case she has touched is tainted. It’s not like she is prosecuting traffic tickets. JM2C.
Agreed. If a DA is proven corrupt, then their cases become suspect. Corruption is cancerous and taints everything they have done in an official capacity.
What a depressing start to my Friday...

I have this weekly radio program I do as a part of my job. I record it on Friday mornings. This week I did it over George Washington, with Monday being what it is. Considering the words that were used to describe his character as a man and a political leader, it is hard to imagine we could get any further from that than Biden and Trump. Frankly, in terms of character qualities, it strikes me that Trump is pretty much the anti-George Washington.

This is the operating method of this brutal regime of thugs. Whether poisoned, tossed from a window, or simply disappeared, this regime deals with political opponents just like the Tsars or Stalin and his successors. The Russian government and its enablers resemble a mafia organization more than a government as we understand it in the West. And yet, on this site, and throughout far right wing America, Putin is a man we should admire and trust. What a reversal from the eighties when it was lefties with a love affair with the brutality of Russia.
That era was prior to the web where everything information wise is out there released by who knows to be easily seen by the masses…. The only reason leftists don’t support Putin now is because they’ve been told he’s trumps buddy… if they were told he was Biden’s champion they’d be hugging on his ass like white on rice. Back years ago when we could somewhat trust at least part of what our own government said it was easier to blame the soviets for anything and everything. Now, we find out our own government spends more time trying to find ways to fk over the citizens than derail communism causes us to lose faith and distrust those pieces of garbage in the WH, the house and the senate. Regan is gone, mostly people like Regan, and us, are extinct. Sad really.

This is the operating method of this brutal regime of thugs. Whether poisoned, tossed from a window, or simply disappeared, this regime deals with political opponents just like the Tsars or Stalin and his successors. The Russian government and its enablers resemble a mafia organization more than a government as we understand it in the West. And yet, on this site, and throughout far right wing America, Putin is a man we should admire and trust. What a reversal from the eighties when it was lefties with a love affair with the brutality of Russia.

For those that aren't too familiar with Navalny, I would encourage you to watch an excellent documentary done by CNN. It's very interesting to listen to the interview of a cyber hacker on how they did some detective work to show how Putin's thugs poisoned Navalny on an airliner.

And yet, on this site, and throughout far right wing America, Putin is a man we should admire and trust.

I think that this is a bit of an exaggeration. There is a difference between being leery of endless funding of Ukraine and admiring Putin.

I say that with these 2 thoughts, I thought Obama was an ass in the debate when Romney brought up Russia and he said the 1980s called and wanted their foreign policy back. I also thought that it would be better to be indifferent with Russia to avoid pushing them into China's arms.

To recognize them as dangerous and still a threat is a wise decision. I believe the bravery of Ukraine actually stopped China from invading Taiwan. But also believe us not giving Ukraine the necessary weapons to finish the job, gives the Chinese and bull print for how long they can wait us out.

I also say everyone is outraged (as they should be) that a political opponent was killed in jail. We have Epstien (I know a suicide) and a president candidate facing 91 felony charges. Sometimes if we arent careful we become the things we hate the most.
I suspect trumps attorneys already had an appeal drafted and that it will be filed in a matter of days..

the press is dancing around speaking to how the civil trial ruling will deplete all of trumps available cash...

while continuing to fight all of the lawsuits will certainly not be free... i seriously doubt much of anything comes of what just happened in NY for at least another year or two (well after the election is over).. hes not going to be writing the state of NY a check anytime soon..
Even if you aren't religious, I think you'll find this interesting. Views on the special relationship with Israel and also calling into question some of the woke stuff that is all too common today. At around 8.5 minutes into the video, the speaker compliments Africa for pushing back on the Pope's recent decree to accept same sex couples. Also, some things in the news that are pretty interesting.

Back at the front. Ukraine has finally withdrawn the last of its troops from had been the town of Avdiivka (30k pre-war population). As you may remember it had been under continuous assault for several months, and the UA had inflicted enormous losses on the Russians throughout that period. A major contributor to the decision to withdraw was lack of artillery ammunition to suppress Russian fires. Over the last year and a half, Ukraine had gained parity and then in many areas fires supremacy over the Russian army - an army whose tactics are based on overwhelming fire support.

The munition most needed is the 155mm artillery shell and HIMARS rockets. That resupply from the US, which has by far the largest stocks and production capability, has been cut off for months, and the UA is forced to husband its remaining resources. For those who have no military experience, large scale munitions and materiel resupply is much like the supply chain of a major industry. Once cut off, it is a slow process getting it going again.

I suppose my party, and particularly Trump and his lackey, Mike Johnson, should be proud they have materially helped give their ally Putin a victory after all this time and cost. I assume the multitudes will cheer at the next rally.

The coming weeks and months will tell us if this Russian achievement is the start of a series of successes or was a Pyrrhic victory leaving Russia's offensive power seriously damaged. Time will tell.

I have posted from this blogger before. He monitors and translates Russian postings from the Telegram network (a Russian language equivalent of X). A Colonel Shuvalov Pyotr Ilyich posted this over night. All three short pages should be readable by clicking on the first.

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What better way to gain support for Ukraine than for the spooks to do something easily blamed on Putin……..

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