
  1. A

    Chinese interest regarding hunting in Africa

    Hello everyone, I posted a thread way back in 2019 about possibly becoming a hunter in Africa. If you read the thread, you would know that I have no experience in stalking-based hunting (ie. most of African hunts), but rather a "waiting for target" based form of hunting (ie. go in the bush...
  2. NurseFet

    Learning the Language

    So this is a post for both me and my husband, @WFet . He has recently gotten into the international trophy hunting business on the importation side. We are slowly learning the value of being able to speak the local languages, Afrikaans, French, Spanish, etc, and interpreters are not always...
  3. Lrntolive

    Braii or braiivlace?

    So I've started reading a book my wife read in college. It's called Cry of the Kalahari from about 1980. Up to this point, it has been an interesting book about a researcher and his wife trying to study predators in the wild. Not the over-the-top animal rights type I would have expected. They...