
I am all for protesting. However, I think the line was crossed when the protestors became rioters and entered the Capitol and disrupted the certification of the election results.

Most of those that were convicted were convicted of the charge of obstruction of an official proceeding, and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building.

That is a pretty easy charge to prove just by their presence in the building.

Do you think the people in the picture below felt safe?
View attachment 598947
Of course they do not feel safe! Look at how many of them are in the same room unmasked!
As long as President Crapshispants and his boy friend Merrick Garland remain in power only GOP conservatives will suffer the wrath of the DOJ…..
I guess you missed the first link I posted in your hurry to repost a meme.

The headline from that link:
"Sen. Bob Menendez and wife indicted on bribery charges; DOJ seizes gold bars and $500,000"
All the DOJ can do is to indict; conviction is left up to the people on the jury. OJ died today, and we know how his jury in LA reached a verdict.
Exactly and I’m pretty positive that the DOJ attorneys will do their utmost to assure a fair and impartial trial……..
For the most part I think January 6 sentences were fair. Below are the sentences for most of the "Proud Boys"

Now, the following are the sentences of some of the idiots that followed them into the building. Under normal circumstances they most likely would not have been charged similar to other protests that occur at Capitol building. However, this time they got charged due to them being part (however small) of the riots.

I am all for protesting. However, I think the line was crossed when the protestors became rioters and entered the Capitol and disrupted the certification of the election results.

Most of those that were convicted were convicted of the charge of obstruction of an official proceeding, and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building.

That is a pretty easy charge to prove just by their presence in the building.

Do you think the people in the picture below felt safe?
View attachment 598947

@Tanks have you seen the video footage they suppressed from the CCTV footage of the annex access? The Gov employees waved people through the doors. One of those people was an unarmed woman shot dead by a government agent. You're believing a narrative without looking at the different footage.
@rookhawk You believe there should have been no charges for anyone?

I never said that. I asked if you saw the footage of the US government employees opening the doors and waving citizens into the capital from the annex door? You realize that some of the convicted were waved through doors in a peaceable manner?

The penalties you spouted are just fine for those that scaled walls, broke glass, or publicly documented their purpose was to overthrow the Biden vote. <- That would be insurrection, however most people were friggin tourists going to express their concerns. When I've asked "insurrectionists" like my former hair stylist her purpose of being there that day, their statement was "redress of grievances, we think there was fraud and we'd like the US representatives to investigate before certifying". <-That's not terrorism, that's citizenry.
I don't recall where I read this. Once the contract is over, the farmer is responsible for disposing of those solar panels; the solar contractor just walks away and leaves that mess for the farmer to figure out how to clean.
I would love to dispose some free solar panels. They are extremely expensive and stolen a lot.
Since a few on here only seem to be able to speak in memes...

I am happy to buy wet wipes to help you clean off. ;)

49iblb (1) copy.jpg

Google is your friend.
Well aware of that, just like the last time he stood trial for the same type of crimes. You seem to think no one knows anything about the justice system except you, never assume anything….
Did anyone follow the apple river stabbing? Thoughts? Found guilty today but I was sure it would be Not guilty on self defence grounds. But I ain’t a lawyer.
Did anyone follow the apple river stabbing? Thoughts? Found guilty today but I was sure it would be Not guilty on self defence grounds. But I ain’t a lawyer.

It's local news to me. I generally have full faith in a jury so I can't judge them. The problematic factor is he stabbed several people. The beneficial factor is he stabbed some disgusting sh&theads and I really wanted to send a message to hostile millennials that we've had enough of their repugnant behavior. The key evidence that I think the whole case hinges upon is how deep was the water he was being shoved into as a deadly weapon? If he felt like he was going to be drowned by unruly thugs, that is the reasonable defense. I think cutting the guts out of one offender was legitimate, doing it again to several others was unnecessary.
I have a somewhat different take on the event.

January 6th was a destructive riot. No it wasn't an insurrection, but it was indeed a riot. I think my side of the aisle would do well to recognize that. That riot caused the recess of an official congressional proceeding when Trump supporters violently broke into the building. Others as noted, simply trespassed. But the initial entry was violent. Some people played tourist and others broke into congressional offices and trespassed into Congressional chambers, but all were there illegally. Were someone to trespass this afternoon that person would be arrested.

I prefer to judge actual responsibility. The only person who actually instigated the event was Donald J. Trump. He called for the demonstration and then he called for the demonstrators to march on the capitol. Whether he belatedly said "peacefully" or not is beside the point. He lit the fuse. The only reason hundreds of foolish ignorant followers of his are sitting in jails is because of him. The only reason a young air force veteran is dead is because of him - not mysterious Federal agents, not a security decision by Nancy Pelosi, and not because of some evil mysterious force to paraphrase Alexander Haig.

Not a single person has been charged with insurrection - not even Trump. But it is not "citizenry" to break into or even follow a mob into the Capitol of this country while congress is in session The only reason people like a hair stylist was there is because they believed Trump and the absolute nonsense being hawked by Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Lin Wood et al amplified by news affiliates like OAN and Newsmax and the rantings of the certifiables manning the internet sites like InfoWars and Afternet.

Were these the actions of the other party acting on the behest of a Democrat president, nine tenths of the respondents on this thread would be outraged. They certainly wouldn't be calling it "citizenry."

@rookhawk You use a hair stylist? :oops:
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The corn field part of that I don't doubt is true to an extent. I have farming family in western Iowa. A number of the farmers there have entered into agreements with the companies running windmills and you'll see them across the countryside.

Now I don't have it first hand, but according to one cousin, some of those guys jumped on the wagon of "free money" a little quickly and didn't read the contracts close enough or didn't fully comprehend them. But as the story goes, the windmill company decides where it will put the windmill on your land. Furthermore, it also will decide where there will be an easement to allow access for maintenance to the equipment. And this of course will be to their advantage with no regard to the farmer's wishes. As a result not only does the easement take out land just by its own existence, but the placement can take out even more such as long edges. The edge land being essentially made useless for planting and working.

So the secondhand story goes FWIW.

BFD, wait till you see the solar farm agreement

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