The Art Of Hunting The Bengal Bush Boar: A Comprehensive Guide

Major Khan

AH legend
Dec 3, 2019
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Be it the feral hog of America , the bush pig and wart hog of Africa , the Australian Razor Back or the great boars of Europe ... It goes with out saying that the wild pig makes for a most entertaining shikar quarry , to pursue . In the Indian subcontinent ... we are no different . We have our Bengal Bush Boar .

Today , on African Hunting Forums ... I shall be providing my Dear Readers with an in depth guide on how we ( used to ) hunt these great brutes in South East Asia . For the sake of reading convenience ... I shall be dividing this article in to a section of posts , with each post covering a particular topic .

The sections shall be , as follows :
> The Bengal Bush Boar Himself
> An Under Estimated Adversary
> Tracking The Bengal Bush Boar
> Shot Placement
> Appropriate Armaments :
A) Fire Arms Choices
B ) Ammunition Choices
> Proper Culling Techniques ( With Diagram )
> Conclusion

Below , I have provided a photograph taken by myself of just a portion of the 63 crop raiding Bengal Bush Boars ... which we had culled in Kooch Bihar , in 1964 .
“ The Bengal Bush Boar Himself “

The Bengal Bush Boar differs from its European counterpart by it’s large mane .... Which runs in a crest along its back from its head to lower body, larger, more sharply featured and straighter skull, its smaller, sharper ears and overall lighter build.It is taller and more sparsely haired than the European form, though its back bristles are much more developed. The tail is also more tufted, and the cheeks hairier. Adults measure from 33 inches to 38 inches in shoulder height and 5 feet in body length. Weight ranges from 200 pounds to 300 pounds ( In a fully grown male ) .

They follow an omnivorous diet ... Much like us , humans . They predominantly live on roots , nuts , seeds , worms , insects , bird eggs , small rodents ... And even garbage . The Bengal Bush Boar is even known to be an opportunistic scavenger .
I have , in my life ... Frequently come across Bengal Bush Boars feeding upon the corpses of kakar deer or cheetal deer , which had already been torn apart by forest panthers or royal Bengal tigers .

These are herd animals and will usually be found in sounders of ... Any where up to 80 of them , at a single time ( However , this is relatively rare . An average sounder shall typically consist of 30 - 40 of these brutes ) . Their numbers are their method of protection against royal Bengal tigers and panthers ... As well as wolves , foxes and civet cats ( Which prey upon the immature Bengal Bush Boars , that have not yet been weaned ) , who regularly prey upon these creatures for food .

However , the main line of defense of the Bengal Bush Boar... Is it’s large , curved brace of sharp tusks . More about these tusks ... Shall be detailed in the next section , of this article .

Below , I have provided a photograph taken from the internet ... Of a small sounder of Bengal Bush Boars , feeding up on grass roots near a stream .

Coming up next ... “ An Under Estimated Adversary “ .
“ An Under Estimated Adversary “

Amongst India’s “ Dangerous 6 “ ... I actually rank the Bengal Bush Boar to be slightly more dangerous than the Sun Bear . This may intrigue many of my Dear Readers , but hear me out for a moment . Many people do not consider boars very dangerous ... but the Bengal Bush Boar , is certainly not a harmless creature by any means . With a maximum weight of 300 pounds , sharp curved tusks that look like Sikh Kirpan daggers and the propensity to rush into the thickets when wounded or alarmed ... an Indian Bush Boar is certainly not a brute to be underestimated . Their most dangerous feature ... Is their sheer level of unpredictability . They may look as if they are completely indifferent to your presence ... Right before they decide to gore you with their tusks . In deed , they can often charge you ... Merely for making eye contact with them .

What is the most menacing about these villains , is that they have a propensity to try to attack the legs of their hapless victim ... and have been known to cause many deaths by rupturing the femoral artery of their victim . On countless occasions , I have also seen Bengal Bush Boars apply “ Tactical Thinking “ ... When they make up their decision to attack a human being . They move out the human’s line of sight ... Only to circle around them , and then bull rush them from behind . Make no mistake . You do not wish to turn your back on a Bengal Bush Boar ...Ever . My good friend and fellow forum member , @Captain Nwz was unfortunately injured in the leg by a Bengal Bush Boar , a few days ago . By the Grace Of God ... the brute’s tusk missed the good Captain’s femoral artery , by an inch .

Bush Boars are among the most menacing creatures to trouble man ... In the Indian sub continent . In both India and Bangladesh ... Large sounders of Bengal Bush Boars are known to frequently venture in to tea garden and farms , often attacking employees and chasing them away . With little imagination , It can thus be understood ... That Bengal Bush Boars present the greatest threat , when the shikaree has to contend with large groups of them . While a single Bengal Bush Boar is still not some thing to be under estimated ... it is when an entire sounder of these brutes over runs a particular area , that they commence to really pose a threat .

Coming up next ... “ Tracking The Bengal Bush Boar “ .
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Poton, so far your experiences and evaluation of the Bengal Bush Boar with the exception of some of the physical characteristics pretty much mimics what I've seen on my limited number of Hog hunts in the United States. Because they are considered a varmint / pest they can be hunted year around and as such make the perfect quarry for young and or new hunters.
Do only the males have tusks?
If the females do as well, are they the same in appearance?
I just love hunting wild boars, and yes, they can be dangerous, I have seen many dogs injured by them, and even a dog handler, with a very nasty cut in his leg.
“ Tracking The Bengal Bush Boar “

As opposed to the other 5 members of India’s “ Dangerous 6 “ ( The royal Bengal tiger , panther , gaur , Indian Bear & crocodile ) ... The Bengal Bush Boar is the only brute for which , practically NO tracking is required . So numerous are these brutes , that indeed ... They may easily be found in any rural part of south east Asia , with very little effort . A reasonably competent shikaree does not even require a tracker to find the Bengal Bush Boar . All that is required ... Is basic local knowledge of the kinds of terrain inhibited by these creatures .

As I write this article ... In several parts of rural India and Bangladesh where human beings are no longer populating the region ( Due to fear of the COVID19 corona virus) , the areas have been completely over run by considerable numbers of Bengal Bush Boars . These areas include farm lands and even roads . Of course , with the lock down recently lifted in Bangladesh ... Local land owners and shikarees shall be bringing the population of these brutes down to size , in no time .

Bengal Bush Boars can easily be found on the out skirts of towns located in rural areas . They can be found near orchards , corn fields , mango gardens , tea gardens , swamps , streams or even muddy marshes . They can even be found near the countless hills of the Indian sub continent . Back when I used to live in India , If I ever wanted to shoot a Bengal Bush Boar ... All I had to do , was to get up on my Land Rover Series 1 and drive to the out skirts of Nagpur. Bengal Bush Boars could be found there in the thousands .

Needless to say ... The Bengal Bush Boar is the most number of India’s “ Dangerous 6 “ .

Below , is a photograph kindly provided to me by a friend currently living in India ... Of a Bengal Bush Boar , which has managed to encroach in to human territory ( A south Indian town ) .


Coming up next ... “ Shot Placement “ .
“ Shot Placement “

Like most mammalian game ... The Bengal Bush Boar is best laid low , by 3 shots .
They are ( From the most simple , to the most tricky ) :
> The double lung shot
> The heart shot
> The brain shot

From a broad side position , the easiest shot for the neophyte to attempt on these brutes ... would have to be the double lung shot ( With the point of aim , being the soft part ... Right behind the shoulder ) . It presents the widest target on a Bengal Bush Boar . A brute hit in this region ( By a premium quality expanding bullet , such as a Winchester Silver Tip ) , will typically go roughly 70 yards ... Coughing blood from it’s nose and mouth , before expiring .

Slightly more tricky , but still simple to master ... Is the heart shot . It must be remembered that the heart of a mammalian game animal ... Is located at the base of the creature’s chest , right between the 2 fore legs . Thus , in order to reach the heart of a Bengal Bush Boar ( From a broad side position ) ... A bullet must be able to pierce the bone of the creature’s fore leg , and still hold together as it penetrates in to the brute’s heart . The Bengal Bush Boar with a properly ruptured heart ... Shall go roughly 45 yards , before dropping to the ground and expiring . Again , the correct point of aim ... Should be right behind the brute’s shoulder .

Often ( If fortune smiles up on the shikaree ) , A shot aimed behind the shoulder of the Bengal Bush Boar ... Can successfully rupture both of the lungs AND the heart .
When this occurs ... The brute can usually be expected to expire , after going only 30 yards ( Or less ) . Indeed ... This is exactly what most shikarees should aspire to do .

Perhaps the most difficult shot to attempt on a Bengal Bush Boar ( From a broad side position ) ... Would have to be the side brain shot . Shot placement is extremely critical , and the shikaree must aspire to place his bullet in the region ... Right behind the brute’s ear . I would personally recommend that all shikarees avoid taking this shot ... Until they have had the good fortune to saw open a freshly dispatched Bengal Bush Boar’s skull , and study the internal brain structure of the brute . This shall assist the shikaree in acquiring a crystal clear picture of how the brute’s brain is located in the back of the skull of the Bengal Bush Boar .

From a frontal position ( For instance : When the Bengal Bush Boar is charging towards the shikaree) ... The brute only offers 2 shots :
> The frontal chest shot ... With the objective being , to rupture the brute’s heart .
> The frontal head shot ... With the objective being , to “ switch off “ the brute’s brain .

When opting for a frontal chest shot ... The point of aim should always be , right behind the shoulder ... At the base of the brute’s chest . When opting for a frontal head shot ... The point of aim should always be , right between the brute’s 2 eyes .

Below , I have used a simple red high lighting feature on my IPAD ... To identify the different suitable points of aim , so that a shikaree may be easily able to dispatch a Bengal Bush Boar ( From a broad side position ) .

Coming up next ... “ Appropriate Armaments “ .
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Poton, do the Bush boars have gristle plates similar to those on species of wild Boar?
When I look at the picture of the boar from India it appears to have a lot of domestic characteristics, the round belly and the white socks? Is there significant cross breeding today between domestic and wild pigs?
My good friend and fellow forum member , @Captain Nwz was unfortunately injured in the leg by a Bengal Bush Boar , a few days ago . By the Grace Of God ... the brute’s tusk missed the good Captain’s femoral artery , by an inch .

Hope for a speedy recovery. And waiting for the next installment. :A Popcorn:
“ Appropriate Armaments “

A) Fire Arms Choices

We now come to my favorite part of this article . What are the most appropriate fire arms ... For having to contend with Bengal Bush Boars ? In the last 70 years of my life ... I have had the good fortune to dispatch these brutes with the following fire arms :
> My “ Old Belgian “ 12 Bore double barreled side by side shot gun , loaded with my hand loaded 3 inch Eley Alphamax magnum “ High Brass “ spherical ball cartridges .
> The very same weapon , loaded with Winchester Australia’s 12 Bore 2.75 inch 32 gram AAA cartridges.
> My 12 Bore Wischo brand semi automatic shot gun , loaded with 3 inch magnum Brenneke Black Magic Slugs .
> The very same weapon , loaded with American Winchester 12 Bore 2.75 inch magnum 12 pellet copper plated SG / 00 buck shot cartridges .
> My .22 Long Rifle calibre Voere brand semi automatic rifle , loaded with 40 grain solid lead Eley Rifle Club cartridges.
> My military standard issue .303 British calibre Lee Enfield service bolt rifle , loaded with both 174 grain spitzer tipped solid metal covered military ball cartridges ... As well as 215 grain Remington soft point cartridges ( Courtesy of the Sundarban Forest Department ) .
> 7.62 x 39 mm calibre Chinese Rifle , loaded with 123 grain spitzer tipped solid metal covered military ball cartridges ( Property of the armory at the Ordinance Factories ) .
> .405 Winchester calibre Model 1895 lever rifle , loaded with ICI Kynoch 300 grain soft point cartridges ( Property of Sepoy Jalaluddin Khan ) .
> Indian Ordinance Factories .315 calibre bolt rifle , loaded with Indian Ordinance Factories 244 grain soft point cartridges ( Property of Ponual Sangma ) .
> .423 Mauser calibre Fabrique Nationale Mauser 98 bolt rifle , loaded with 347 grain RWS solid metal covered cartridges ( Property of Tobin Stakkatz ) .
> 7 x 57 mm Mauser calibre BRNO ZKK 600 bolt rifle , loaded with 175 grain Winchester Super X soft point cartridges ( Property of Kawshik Rahman ) .
> 7 mm Remington magnum calibre custom made bolt rifle ... Built on a Springfield Model 1903 action , loaded with 175 grain Remington Core Lokt soft point cartridges ( Property of Panther Shooter ) .

During my 10 year career as a professional shikaree ( From 1961 - 1970 ) ... I have personally witnessed my clients successfully dispatch Bengal Bush Boars with every calibre commercially available at the time ... From the petite .22 Winchester magnum rim fire , all the way up to the behemoth .460 Weatherby magnum . Witnessing this , has caused to me to form some very strong preferences ... For certain calibres and configurations of fire arms over others .

With little imagination , it goes with out saying ... That the very best calibres for dispatching Bengal Bush Boars ... Are any of the numerous excellent .30 calibres .
For me ... The 2 most perfect calibres for dispatching a Bengal Bush Boar , are :
> The .30-30 Winchester , utilizing a 170 grain bullet .
> The .30-06 Springfield , utilizing a 220 grain bullet .

There are gentle men who would benefit from the longer range and flatter trajectory of the .300 Winchester magnum ( Utilizing a 220 grain bullet ) ... Especially when shooting in hilly regions , or open terrain is to had ( Due to the longer ranges at which shots in these areas , are invariably taken ) . However , to me ... The .30-30 Winchester or the .30-06 Springfield is more than adequate , for the task at hand .

While a double barreled weapon is perfectly acceptable for hunting the Bengal Bush Boar ( Indeed , most of the Bengal Bush Boars which I have shot over the last 61 years ... Have been laid low , with my “ Old Belgian “ ) ... A repeating rifle reigns supreme for the purposes of hunting these brutes ( Especially when the shikaree needs to contend with multiple Bengal Bush Boars , at the same time ) . My personal preference goes for the Winchester Model 1894 lever rifle , chambered in .30-30 Winchester . Such a weapon is loaded with 6 cartridges of 170 grain weight ... And the lever can be operated extremely swiftly . This is an essential feature , when large numbers of these brutes must be contended with ... at close range .

How ever , this does not even hold a candle to what a semi automatic rifle can do to these brutes ... In this context . Perhaps the most devastatingly efficient rifle , which I have ever seen being used up on an entire sounder of Bengal Bush Boars ...Was an American military surplus M1 Garand semi automatic rifle , chambered in .30-06 Springfield . It was 1965 , when an American gentle man had booked a “ Culling Package “ shikar in South Bangalore with Allwyn Cooper Limited .... For Bengal Bush Boar ( Back in those days , Allwyn Cooper Limited used to offer clients options to partake in culling programs ... For either of 2 different game animals : i ) Neelgai ii) Bengal Bush Boar ) . My client had brought along a .30-06 Springfield calibre M1 Garand semi automatic rifle , loaded with 220 grain Winchester Silver Tip soft point cartridges .

My Dear Readers can NEVER imagine the level of sheer entertainment , which the employees of Allwyn Cooper Limited had derived on that day ... Just by watching the gentle man unleash Hell Fire upon an entire herd of Bengal Bush Boars , with his M1 Garand . The rapid fire of those 8 220 grain Winchester Silver Tip soft point bullets ... Proved to be more than a match for those 300 pound Bengal Bush Boars . With in less than 10 minutes ... Our client has successfully dropped 34 of these brutes , with the very same number of cartridges . That is correct . The gentle man did not need more than 1 cartridge per Bengal Bush Boar . Once every 8 cartridges were expended , and the metal en bloc clip popped out of the receiver ... It only took our client the fraction of a second , to re load a fresh en bloc clip full of cartridges in to the M1 Garand ... And resume his fusillade of lead . In modern times , I imagine that a .30 calibre AR 15 platform semi automatic sporting rifle ... Would be just as ( If not EVEN MORE ) efficient , in culling entire sounders of Bengal Bush Boars .

For hill shooting , or shooting at longer ranges ... An accurate bolt rifle with a low power telescopic sight is ideal ( Not too high magnification). It should be chambered in 1 of the flat shooting .30 calibre Magnums . My personal preference here ... Lies with a pre 64 Winchester Model 70 bolt rifle , chambered in .300 Winchester magnum ... Equipped with a “ Super Grade “ stock , a heavy barrel and a Weaver K series telescopic sight . Many of my Dear Readers on African Hunting Forums ... Prefer the .300 Holland & Holland magnum over the .300 Winchester magnum . I cannot comment up on that ... Since I unfortunately have absolutely NO experience with the .300 Holland & Holland magnum . I always wished that a client would bring 1 to India , for shikar . However , during the time of my career ... The .300 Winchester magnum had COMPLETELY ousted the .300 Holland & Holland magnum from the scene .

Below is a photograph kindly lent to me by my good friend , fellow former professional shikaree and fellow forum member , @Kawshik Rahman of a Bengal Bush Boar dispatched by 1 of his clients ... By using a 12 Bore Remington brand pump shot gun , loaded with 2.75 inch Brenneke Original Slugs .

Below , I have provided a photograph taken by myself of my “ Old Belgian “ .

Below , I have provided a photograph taken by myself of 1 of my hand loaded Spherical Ball cartridges .

Below , I have provided a photograph taken by myself of my Winchester Australia 12 Bore 2.75 inch 32 gram AAA cartridges ( Which hold 42 pellets to the cartridge ) .

Below , I have provided a photograph taken by myself of my 12 Bore Wischo brand semi automatic shot gun .

Below , I have provided a photograph taken by myself of some of the Winchester 2.75 inch magnum SG / 00 buck shot cartridges in my possession .

Below , I have provided a photograph taken by myself of my .22 Long Rifle calibre Voere brand semi automatic rifle .

Below , is a photograph kindly lent to me by my good friend ... Riaz Sharrif , of an Indian Ordinance Factories .315 calibre bolt rifle .

Below , is a photograph kindly lent to me by my good friend and fellow forum member , @Panther Shooter ... Of his 7 mm Remington magnum calibre custom made Springfield Model 1903 action bolt rifle .

Below , is a photograph kindly lent to me by Kawshik ... Of his 7 x 57 mm Mauser calibre BRNO ZKK 600 bolt rifle .

B ) Ammunition Choices

Like most Indian game animals ( Barring only the mighty gaur bison ) ... It is imperative that premium quality expanding bullets be used against Bengal Bush Boars . Among these ... My personal favorite would have to be the Winchester Silver Tip soft point cartridge . Unlike most other soft point cartridges available during our time ... Winchester Silver Tips were guaranteed NEVER to deform inside a repeating rifle’s magazine , due to recoil ( An EXTREMELY serious issue with most brands of soft point ammunition , during our time ) . They would open up perfectly inside the vital organs of even the largest Bengal Bush Boars ... With utter impunity .

Today , the humble Winchester Silver Tip is unfortunately no longer being manufactured . The modern sports man has deemed the antiquated design to be obsolescent . However , several excellent modern equivalents exist ... Which are only superior to the Winchester Silver Tip Of our time . Examples include , but are not limited to :
> Trophy Bonded Bear Claw
> Swift A Frame
> Barnes TSX
> Nosler Partition .

Below . I have provided a photograph taken from the internet , of a box of Winchester Silver .30-06 Springfield calibre soft point cartridges .

Coming up next ... “ Proper Culling Techniques ( With Diagram ) “ .
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“ Proper Culling Techniques ( With Diagram ) “

Due to the rancid numbers of Bengal Bush Boars which annually over run crop fields and tea gardens in India and Bangladesh ... These brutes have to be culled from time to time , in order to keep their population in control and with in manageable numbers . However , “ Culling “ simply does not mean taking your favorite rifle ( Or shot gun ) and blasting away at these brutes ... Mindlessly . No. It must be methodical .

There are 2 methods by which the Bengal Bush Boar can be culled :
> The method utilizing a single shooter .
> The method utilizing multiple shooters .

When a single shooter is assigned to dispatch the Bengal Bush Boars , you shall be requiring the following :
> A group of coolies , armed with long bamboo spears ( Tipped with iron blades ) to assist you . Exactly how many coolies you will need ... Depends largely upon the number of Bengal Bush Boars , which need to be culled .
> A fire arm of sufficiently large calibre . While it is certainly possible to dispatch a 300 pound Bengal Bush Boar with a .243 Winchester calibre 100 grain soft point bullet , or even a .22 Long Rifle calibre 40 grain solid lead bullet ... It must be borne in mind , that these are picked shots . When culling large numbers of these brutes ... It may not always be counted up on , to take the perfect picked shot . This is why it is imperative that you opt for a reliable central fire rifle ... Of at least .30 calibre for the purposes of culling Bengal Bush Boars , since it has reasonable power to reach the vital organs of these brutes with shots taken from ANY angle ( Favorable or other wise ) . If a reliable central fire rifle of at least .30 calibre cannot be sourced ... Then , a reliable 12 Bore shot gun loaded with either Brenneke Slug cartridges ( Either Brenneke Original or Brenneke Black Magic ... Depending up on the chamber length of your shot gun ) or Spherical Ball cartridges shall prove to be perfectly adequate for the task .
> An experienced coolie to stay right behind you ... Carrying a large bag or box of spare cartridges , for you to use .
> A waist belt or bandolier of spare cartridges ... Which must be worn by you , at all times .

The 1st thing which needs to be done ... Is to decipher the total number of Bengal Bush Boars inhibiting a particular area . Merely assuming that all of the animals clumped together in a herd , are the only 1s inhibiting the entire area ... Is an extremely unwise approach . There are usually 2 or 3 solitary fully grown male Bengal Bush Boars lurking around the area ... Which tend to stay a little further away from the rest of the herd . These cannot be ignored ( Or else , they may later ambush the culling team ... From behind) . These solitary Bengal Bush Boars must be tracked down and dispatched 1st ... Before the rest of these brutes may be culled. While the solitary males are being dispatched ... The coolies must encircle the herd of Bengal Bush Boars , armed with their spears in order to keep them at bay . This circle must remain unbroken at all costs .

The shooter , then gets in between the coolies and begins shooting each of the Bengal Bush Boars in the herd .. Until they have all expired . The coolie carrying the spare ammunition supply , stays right behind the shooter and is always ready to hand him spare cartridges ( Or magazines ) ... When ever the shooter has expended all of the cartridges in his fire arm . The waist belt / bandolier full of spare cartridges must be kept as a RESERVE ONLY. Should the coolie carrying the supply of spare cartridges abandon the shooter during any part of the operation ( For what ever reason ) ... It is only then , that the spare cartridges on the shooter’s person be used . This way , the shooter shall always have a supply of spare cartridges on his person ... Should the coolie with the box / bag of spare cartridges disappear .

When multiple shooters are assigned to cull the Bengal Bush Boars , each shooter shall be requiring the following :
> A fire arm of sufficiently large calibre . While it is certainly possible to dispatch a 300 pound Bengal Bush Boar with a .243 Winchester calibre 100 grain soft point bullet , or even a .22 Long Rifle calibre 40 grain solid lead bullet ... It must be borne in mind , that these are picked shots . When culling large numbers of these brutes ... It may not always be counted up on , to take the perfect picked shot . This is why it is imperative that each of the shooters opt for a reliable central fire rifle ... Of at least .30 calibre for the purposes of culling Bengal Bush Boars , since it has reasonable power to reach the vital organs of these brutes with shots taken from ANY angle ( Favorable or other wise ) . If a reliable central fire rifle of at least .30 calibre cannot be sourced ... Then , a reliable 12 Bore shot gun loaded with either Brenneke Slug cartridges ( Either Brenneke Original or Brenneke Black Magic ... Depending up on the chamber length of the shot guns ) or Spherical Ball cartridges shall prove to be perfectly adequate for the task .
> An experienced coolie to stay right behind each shooter ... Carrying a large bag or box of spare cartridges , for you to use .
> A waist belt or bandolier of spare cartridges ... Which must be worn by each shooter , at all times .

When multiple shooters are assigned to cull Bengal Bush Boars , coolies armed with spears are not required to keep these brutes at bay . Just like the method involving a single shooter , the very 1st thing which needs to be done ... Is to decipher the total number of Bengal Bush Boars inhibiting a particular area . Merely assuming that all of the animals clumped together in a herd , are the only 1s inhibiting the entire area ... Is an extremely unwise approach . There are usually 2 or 3 solitary fully grown male Bengal Bush Boars lurking around the area ... Which tend to stay a little further away from the rest of the herd . These cannot be ignored ( Or else , they may later ambush the culling team ... From behind) . These solitary Bengal Bush Boars must be tracked down and dispatched 1st ... Before the rest of these brutes may be culled .

The shooters then establish an “ L “ shaped formation around the herd of Bengal Bush Boars ... Prior to opening fire . Behind each shooter , stays a coolie carrying a box / bag of spare cartridges ... Ready to supply the shooter with spare cartridges ( or magazines ) , when ever they are required to do so . The L formation should typically be made established around a water body ( Such as a stream ) or the base of a hill or a wall . This is done ... So as to prevent the Bengal Bush Boars from escaping the shooters’ fusillade of lead .

Below , I have provided a photograph of 2 crudely drawn diagrams of the different methods used to cull Bengal Bush Bush Boars . Because the saying goes ... That a picture paints a thousand words . I apologize for the atrocious hand writing ( As usual ) .

A few variations of these tactics exist :
> Some culling teams prefer to build a macchan(s) around the area , where the herd of the Bengal Bush Boars are located ... Over night ( Prior to the day of the culling ).
The shooter(s) and the coolie(s) with the spare cartridges , then stay on the top(s) of the macchan(s) ... From where the shooting commences . I personally prefer to commence the culling operation from ground level . It is less labor intensive and more time and cost effective .
> Certain culling teams assign 1 extra man , armed with a .22 Long Rifle calibre weapon ... Whose only task is to deliver the coup de grace on fatally wounded Bengal Bush Boars , barely clinging on to life . I personally consider such a post to be superfluous . The shooters , themselves ( Assuming that they are of fair competence ) can easily dispatch any fatally wounded Bengal Bush Boars ... On their own . Alternatively , the coolies ( Armed with spears ) could simply impale the fatally wounded Bengal Bush Boars to death ... And finish them off .

A few words of warning are requisite , here :

> When selecting members of the culling team ... Considerations as to the religion of the team members need to be made . When selecting Muslim members to be a part of the culling team ... It is imperative to ask them whether they are followers of only the Quran book or the Hadith book . While all Muslims are prohibited from eating the flesh of swine , different schools of Islam regard pigs differently . A “ Hadith “ Muslim shall be extremely terrified of the mere sight of Bengal Bush Boars , because they believe that coming in to contact with a swine will prevent them from going to Heaven after death . They believe that touching a swine will prevent them from marrying 72 virgin women in the after life . A “ Quran Alone “ Muslim ( Such as myself ) , on the other hand ... Has no such beliefs . They simply view a swine as any other animal , and treat the task of culling Bengal Bush Boars to be completely mundane . They have absolutely no hesitation in getting close to Bengal Bush Boars and treat the misfortune of getting hit by the tusks of a Bengal Bush Boar ... As an occupational hazard ( Although , like most sane people ... They still strive to avoid getting hit by the sharp tusks of these brutes ) . It is imperative that any Muslim members of the culling team ... Be confirmed as “ Quran Alone “ Muslims and NOT “ Hadith Muslims “ .
> While solid bullets should always be COMPLETELY avoided for hunting Bengal Bush Boars , at any rate ... It is absolutely dangerous to use them during a culling operation . There is simply too much risk of the solid bullets passing completely through the body of a Bengal Bush Boar ... And hitting 1 of the coolies or other shooters .
> Should ( For any reason , whatsoever ) the circle of coolies ( In Diagram # 1 ) or the “ L “ formation of shooters ( In Diagram # 2 ) break ... Then , self preservation becomes a man’s 1st duty . Bolt for the nearest elevated position ( Such as a tree top or a macchan ) and proceed to shoot as many Bengal Bush Boars as you possibly can , from up there ... Once your personal safety is guaranteed . If you see any of your fellow team members ( especially unarmed team members ) about to get over run by Bengal Bush Boars ... Then , it is your duty to protect them by shooting the Bengal Bush Boars closing in on them ... At 1st . Only come down on to ground level ... After a significantly large portion of the brutes are dispatched . You may have to abandon your sanctuary , for the last 1 or 2 surviving Bengal Bush Boars ... And pursue them , on foot .

As soon as all of the Bush Bush Boars are dispatched , they must immediately have all of their entrails removed ( In order to prevent meat spoilage ) . The animals must be field dressed , and butchered . The 4 hams , shoulders , loins and chops must be carefully taken apart . They may then be treated in any 1 of the 3 following methods :
> Vacuum packed and placed inside an ice chest
> Hung over a tree branch to dry
> Cured with salt , in order to draw out the moisture .

The meat should then get distributed among the non muslim communities of the area , with the non Muslim members of the culling team getting to keep some of the choice cuts ... For their own table . Muslim members of the culling team can get to keep the tusks of the Bengal Bush Boars . These may be substituted for ivory and made in to local jewelry and trinkets . The ivory from the tusk of a Bengal Bush Boar ... May also make for an excellent bead fore sight in a rifle . Nothing should go to waste .

Coming up next ... “ Conclusion “ .
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“ Conclusion “ .

After the ridiculous 1972 ban on all hunting in India ( Courtesy of Indira Gandhi) , the number of Bengal Bush Boars and Neelgai quickly arose and became rancid . In the late 2010s , the governments of Kooch Bihar and Uttar Pradesh allowed the culling of crop damaging wild boars and blue bulls again . However , the Indian government ( Consisting predominantly of those sick vegetarian bastards ) decided to do something extremely petty . The cullers are not allowed to consume any of the meat from the boars or the blue bulls. The corpses of the culled Bengal Bush Boars and Neelgai are all burnt , on a funeral pyre . Process this thought for a moment . These people are so petty in their sick tree hugging agendas , that even when they need those animals gone ... they will not let anyone enjoy their meat .

In Bangladesh , culls are typically privately arranged on small scale levels by local land owners and local shikarees . My good friend ( In deed , the very 1st friend ... Whom I made , on African Hunting Forums ) @Shootist43 is most agreeable in his assessment that wild pigs ( Such as the Bengal Bush Boar ) make for an excellent “ Entry Level “ dangerous game ... For most novice hunters , or hunters on a budget ... Who wish to shoot dangerous game . Due to their rancid numbers ... Large numbers of them may be shot through out the year ... For very little ( If any ) cost .

On a personal note ... Among all of the dangerous game animals which I have personally shot in my life ( Till now ) and during my 10 year career as a professional shikaree , I estimate that I have shot the largest number of Bengal Bush Boars ( Compared to EVERY other dangerous game animal ) . The reason for this ... Is because of my role in culling these brutes in the various states of India , back when I used to be a professional shikaree under the employment of Allwyn Cooper Limited .

In deed , as a young man in 1959 ... The very 1st charge which I had to stop by using my “ Old Belgian “ , was of an enraged Bengal Bush Boar . I often used to practice how to deal with charging dangerous game animals ... By shooting charging Bengal Bush Boars with my “ Old Belgian “ . Doing this , allowed me to not only improve my aim on charging dangerous game animals ... But it also allowed me to hone my quick and instinctive fire arms handling skills ( A vital skill for the professional shikaree ) .

Well ... That concludes an other 1 . I sincerely hope that all of my Dear Readers have enjoyed perusing this article ... As much as I have enjoyed writing it . I shall commence writing my next article for African Hunting Forums ... Hopefully , after 2 days ( I have a quail shikar planned for day after tomorrow ) . Let the subject of the article ... Remain a surprise ( For now ) .

Major Kahn thanks for another great read. I love hog hunting, wild boar in the USA or Warthog in Africa its all great fun, I have used a 270, 7mm-08, 30-06 and my beloved 35 whelen. I prefer the brain shot because it eliminates the need for tracking which is not one of my stronger hunting skills. The list time dad and I went hog hunting we put 1100 pounds of primal cuts in the butchers bin, we put a beating on the hogs that weekend.
Do only the males have tusks?
If the females do as well, are they the same in appearance?
Usually ... It is only the males that possess tusks , Ridge Walker . A female Bengal Bush Boar will typically weigh 30 - 40 pounds less ... Than a male Bengal Bush Boar .
I just love hunting wild boars, and yes, they can be dangerous, I have seen many dogs injured by them, and even a dog handler, with a very nasty cut in his leg.
What you have said ... Has just triggered an extremely sad memory in my mind , Nyati . I used to have an extremely obedient female German Shepherd named Cindy ... In the 1980s . She was badly gored in the stomach by the tusk of a 300 pound male Bengal Bush Boar , in 1985 . I had to shoot her ... In order to put my faithful animal out of her misery . That incident still haunts me , greatly . The shikaree should never sic any less than 3 hounds ... Up on a Bengal Bush Boar .

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African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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