Tattoos... advice from those so adorned

I'll offer a different take on the divorce topic. If she's going to divorce you over a tattoo, it was already coming.
I got my first one while my wife was out of town and I didn't tell her in advance.
I reckon we should give you Australian citizenship. And yeah, that’s meant as a compliment.

My only concern with your advice is “scotch “ . I recommend rum.

Cheers mate.
Like RedLeg I don’t understand getting them late in life but I have never seen the attraction myself.

Not an option. Don't drink and never have. I do appreciate hearing from both sides though, so thank you good sir. (y);)
Not drinking is commendable but enjoying a beer or something you enjoy in moderation is also fine as I enjoy a drink and it’s often socially or celebratory and often because I just feel like one.

Well I won’t be the first on here that has never seen the need and has lived through the era where females got them on their lower back 30 years ago to some having fine line work and now they seem to be a popular trend here with young people.

I have seen some quality work and awful attempts.

Both kids have them and my daughter has random images that make no sense or show strategic placement but no point fighting it and she is still the Princess. I just wish she would at least put some thought into the matter as they are permanent.

Can’t say much more on the matter as I know people who have them to remember a lost child they have lost it’s not uncommon.

I couldn’t do a Man Bun either but at least they are easily reversed.
Like RedLeg I don’t understand getting them late in life but I have never seen the attraction myself.

Not drinking is commendable but enjoying a beer or something you enjoy in moderation is also fine as I enjoy a drink and it’s often socially or celebratory and often because I just feel like one.

Well I won’t be the first on here that has never seen the need and has lived through the era where females got them on their lower back 30 years ago to some having fine line work and now they seem to be a popular trend here with young people.

I have seen some quality work and awful attempts.

Both kids have them and my daughter has random images that make no sense or show strategic placement but no point fighting it and she is still the Princess. I just wish she would at least put some thought into the matter as they are permanent.

Can’t say much more on the matter as I know people who have them to remember a lost child they have lost it’s not uncommon.

I couldn’t do a Man Bun either but at least they are easily reversed.
"I couldn't do a Man Bun either". I'll bet you could if/when you buy a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle? LOL
"I couldn't do a Man Bun either". I'll bet you could if/when you buy a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle? LOL
I have plans to get a .260rem , I’m not a fan of the Creedmoor hype and snapped at too many people who say it outperforms everything else.
Everything has a place in its place.
As a very young sailor, I went into a tattoo shop in New York in 1981.. When I saw the people running it and the clientele I turned on my heel..

Later I became a military officer..officers dont have tattoos.. So it was a right decision.

My woman had two cute dolphins tattooed on the they look more whale-like.. Oh well..
I am 56, first tattoo was at 17, followed by many more bits and pieces. Finally I had a very good tattooist link them all up so I guess I have a now two large tattoos.
Would/will I get more tattoos? Yes, but there is no rush, probably my two family coat of arms, maybe my old army regiment insignia, maybe some personal old runes and some other stuff.
Tattooing can be very personal, fun or just stuff, I have all of these and don't regret any.
I did artillery, tattooed Gunners is kind of normal. This went along with all of the males in my family being tattooed.
only one thing, tattoo for you and nobody else, they are the ones you may regret.

Carlsson coat of arms, namesake (father's side blue/yellow) and Gordon coat of arms (mother's side in green)

Screen Shot 2024-07-21 at 12.18.54 am.png
Later I became a military officer..officers dont have tattoos.. So it was a right decision.

This officer, and many others I know, have them…

You won’t find many officers with tattoos placed in visible locations…

But otherwise they aren’t career inhibitors, and haven’t been for decades..

I am close to a retired 0-10 that has a tattoo.. and there is a retired O-6 I am close to with a small visible tattoo on his wrist (usually covered by his watch)… both had stellar careers..
Back in the day when I was heavy into the Harley scene and was single, I thought hard about getting a tattoo. A guy I rode with told me to wait a year and if I still was hell bent on getting one at that point, do it.
I took his advice and after a year went by the want faded and so I never got one.
I have seen a lot of cool ones and can admire them on someone else.
Good luck to the OP on your decision, a lot of good feedback here to take into consideration.
This officer, and many others I know, have them…

You won’t find many officers with tattoos placed in visible locations…

But otherwise they aren’t career inhibitors, and haven’t been for decades..

I am close to a retired 0-10 that has a tattoo.. and there is a retired O-6 I am close to with a small visible tattoo on his wrist (usually covered by his watch)… both had stellar careers..
Back in my day summer uniform was short sleeve khakis. Pretty hard to hide a tattoo wearing short sleeves. I never saw an officer with a tattoo. Can't remember seeing a soldier with one either. Wait ... special forces had something ... with a snake? But those guys wanted everyone to think they were a little crazy. As an MP I was quite familiar dealing with a couple of them at Fort Lewis. Back then no beards either. Only allowed in the Navy ... for those pirate looking sailors. :D
Back in my day summer uniform was short sleeve khakis. Pretty hard to hide a tattoo wearing short sleeves. I never saw an officer with a tattoo. Can't remember seeing a soldier with one either. Wait ... special forces had something ... with a snake? But those guys wanted everyone to think they were a little crazy. As an MP I was quite familiar dealing with a couple of them at Fort Lewis. Back then no beards either. Only allowed in the Navy ... for those pirate looking sailors. :D

You clearly have no actual relationships with special forces soldiers (hint, there are several career SF guys on AH, some dating as far back as the late 70’s… some having retired within the last few years.. one or two may be participating in this thread ;) )… you might have had occasion to interface with a few SF guys as an MP, but clearly didn’t actually know any based on your assessment… there is a reason the SF regiment has been referred to as the Quiet Professionals since its inception… until very recently behavior in public that represented anything other than quiet professionalism would have resulted in expulsion from the regiment..

Internal behavior amongst SF guys in their respective units is a completely different deal…

FWIW it’s easy to “hide” a tattoo in short sleeves or a B class uniform.. just don’t get your head, neck, or arms below the t-shirt line inked…

Facial hair commonly seen in uniform among SOF is indeed something “new”… much of that started with GWOT and missions/work that warranted it..
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You clearly have no actual relationships with special forces soldiers (hint, there are several career SF guys on AH, some dating as far back as the late 70’s… some having retired within the last few years.. one or two may be participating in this thread ;) )… you might have had occasion to interface with a few SF guys as an MP, but clearly didn’t actually know any based on your assessment… there is a reason the SF regiment has been referred to as the Quiet Professionals since its inception… until very recently behavior in public that represented anything other than quiet professionalism would have resulted in expulsion from the regiment..

Internal behavior amongst SF guys in their respective units is a completely different deal…

FWIW it’s easy to “hide” a tattoo in short sleeves or a B class uniform.. just don’t get your head, neck, or arms below the t-shirt line inked…

Facial hair commonly seen in uniform among SOF is indeed something “new”… much of that started with GWOT and missions/work that warranted it..
My best friend's son should be retiring from Special Forces any day now. Have the utmost respect for him. Two bronze stars from Afghanistan.

Most of us knew Special Forces had a very rigid code for policing themselves and if they did get in trouble, we would try to get them out of it quietly. There was, however, one sawed-off staff sergeant that needed to be turfed. Every payday he'd get shitfaced and beat up his wife. Then try to beat up MPs. Worst part was dealing with her too. They deserved each other. Maybe he was a different animal when sober. The sadder story was the command sgt major who drove into my gatehouse one night after the NCO club closed. Really smashed into it. The vehicle managed to drive off but just barely. I took off running after it and sure enough it expired about a block down the road. Driver was obviously drunk but cooperative and I walked him back to the gate shack. Yes, he was a Special Forces CSM and likely would be repercussions but with the shack badly damaged nothing for it but to call it in and charge him. While I was on the phone this big guy suddenly went wild going after my even bigger patrol partner. He sucker punched Dwight and nearly knocked him through the window. I brought CSM to his senses instantly ... or rather my night stick did. Then we cuffed him. He was still in the tank when our shift ended. A few days later during day shift debriefing CSM shows up escorted by his much younger CO. The CO made him apologize to the shift and then proceeded to humiliate him. Terrible scene. We knew his career was finished. He seemed like a decent guy and I felt bad but what can you do? I do not recall a tattoo on the CSM or CO. The wife beater yes.

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James Friedrichs wrote on Dangerous Dave's profile.
can you send some pics of the 2.5-10 zeiss. I can't click on the pics to see the details. You noted some scratches. thx.
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