Day 4, I mention that I would really love to get a honey badger this trip, so we put out extra baits and call around to find out if anyone had honey badger on bait somewhere. Neil mentions that there is a big warthog watering at this one spot so we head out to see if he'll come out in the middle of day to get a drink. Neil told me a huge bushbuck frequents this are too but usually winds any hunters and escapes. It's a hot day and the sun is beating down pretty good. Neil tells me if it's this warm now what will it be like in It's a lot warmer than I expected...damn I was getting sunburnt. We are there in a "ghost blind" waiting for the right animal to come in. I see a really nice mountain reedbuck come into the trigger was getting itchy but I told myself to let him go. I can always get one in the East Cape Province somewhere...some time. Neil tells me 3 bushbuck and coming into the water about an hour later. I only see a young one with the mother. Then a whole bunch of kudu come into the water, then some baboons...I'm getting pretty excited!!! All of a sudden Neil say "BIG BUSHBUCK"! I nearly jump out of my skin. My gun went up, I picked the first available shot before he spooked and pulled the trigger. I saw him fall through the scope! I was so excited, I could not even talk! It was a very good day hunting. You remember moments like this the rest of your life.
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