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AH legend
They said it was to get around sea ice, I thought all of the sea ice had melted due to global warming?Russia is being provocative again, and sending ships and submarines into the buffer zone off of Alaska's coast
They said it was to get around sea ice, I thought all of the sea ice had melted due to global warming?Russia is being provocative again, and sending ships and submarines into the buffer zone off of Alaska's coast
They actually have been using an arctic coastal route from Murmansk to Kamchatka to move oil and LNG. Whatever the reason someone wishes to believe, that would have been impossible as recently as twenty years ago.They said it was to get around sea ice, I thought all of the sea ice had melted due to global warming?
Totally agree, the climate has been changing since there has been climate too change. My comment was more tongue in cheek than serious.They actually have been using an arctic coastal route from Murmansk to Kamchatka to move oil and LNG. Whatever the reason someone wishes to believe, that would have been impossible as recently as twenty years ago.
I actually have no issue with the notion that the earth is warming. The evidence seems at least compelling. My doubts are with regard to the extent to which mankind is a contributor.
The first time in 75 year's that the Fed has lowered the interest rate 50-BPS right before an election .
Well, that will put the AFRO in AFROTC....lolIs there any truth to this?
EXCLUSIVE: New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks
The Air Force is on track to meet
I actually have no issue with the notion that the earth is warming. The evidence seems at least compelling. My doubts are with regard to the extent to which mankind is a contributor.
On the climate change stuff, I can remember back in the 70’s the nightly news would talk about the air quality smog alerts and that sort of things. Many but not all of the people pushing the human cause of this weren’t even alive then so they have no idea how far we have come in cleaning up and protecting the environment.
Of course with the development of China, India and other countries having absolutely NO regard for the environment what ever the US does is largely just symbolic.
Which academy? If it was USNA, good chance you taught both my sons; if USAFA, prolly taught one of my Ds-i-LAir Force is just one example. FAA is aggressively seeking applicants that have diagnosed mental illness, and all the gender, race, sexual orientations.
The chat rooms for controller applicants now suggest to claim as many made up specific protections you can on application. I just was forced out after being a contract instructor for 16 years at the Academy after a false accusation from a snowflake “protected” student.
Being government all accusations must be investigated but was suspended with no pay for 3 weeks with no end in sight. No one believed the charge but no one would risk career to stop. The inmates run the asylum.
Michael Crighton wrote a book: " state of fear"They fail to realize earth has gone through cooling and heating cycles for millions of years, very much on its own.
I still believe we should take care of the environment and our resources. However, the way it is politically weaponized and postured for profit, is despicable.
FAA Academy, OKC initially all controllers must pass here before going final destination for site specific OJT. Typical desired timeline 3-5 years for center controllersWhich academy? If it was USNA, good chance you taught both my sons; if USAFA, prolly taught one of my Ds-i-L