AH enthusiast
Can't be scared.Don’t fry bacon naked
Can't be scared.Don’t fry bacon naked
Find something you are passionate about and make that your career. You should be excited about getting up in the morning and going to work. If you wake up thinking "ugh, I have to go to work" then you need to find another career.
My philosophy: "I think I can, therefore I will." You can do anything you set your mind to.Learn from your mistakes.
Learn more from other peoples mistakes.
One of the true highlights of my life was the honor to address the faculty, parents, and graduating class of my high school alma mater...45 years after my own graduation there. It was a bucket list headliner for a very long time, but in honesty, my motive was not pure. I was.. at the very best...a poor student. I failed the 9th grade epically. Zero credits for the first half, and expelled the 2nd half because a teacher hit me ( the 60's) and I hit him back.I am working on writing up some thoughts for a nephew about to graduate and go off into the world. I definitely have lots of thoughts, but given this forum is a nice gathering of men who have done well in life and lived some adventures, I am interested in advice and pearls of wisdom from this group of men and the handful of women here too.
When I was off to boarding school my grandfather wrote me a letter, in the letter he had transcribed the poem "If" by Kipling. I still have it, framed in my office.
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