Just bought S2 9.3x74R


AH veteran
Feb 10, 2021
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I like accurate rifles. I like odd German stuff even more. I've had a D99 duo for a while now and just love the versatility (6.5x55, 22 hornet, 20ga) and that I can ring 10" steel at 600 yards sitting with some crossed sticks with this goofy thing. I love regulating the 22 hornet barrel and playing with different loads. I've taken game out to 250 yards with the hornet, and 400 with the 6.5, not bad for a drilling!

So, Blaser has me hooked. I found an S2 for sale and bought one. Tried some different bullets - Accubond, Partition, Hammer, it shoots them all well. Now to decide on a load. Can't get any more Partitions easily, so that's out. I like the Accubond and I have a bunch so I roughly regulate it for the 250 at 2550. Then I tried some Hammer 242 HHT bullets - wow those things really shoot! I can get more velocity but dial it back to 2550 so I can shoot both it and the Accubond to the same POI.

Now, I have heard from you guys about the legend of the S2 accuracy, and I am definitely not disappointed. I spent yesterday fiddling with the regulation some (about 25 rounds) and thought I got it pretty close. I cleaned the barrels and went out this morning while winds were calm.

The following targets are not cherry-picked groups. I shot only 8 shots this morning, 4 "volleys" from the right and left barrels in sequence. First at 100 meters (since my scope is a Zeiss in meters I zeroed for that). Then 185 meters (I dialed the scope up 5 clicks which i think is 0.5 mils)

Now, you would think I got confused and the two shots touching at 185M are from the same barrel, but I had my target cam going and marked each shot as it landed, and they are indeed from the right and left barrels.

Next I will take it out to my farm and shoot 1,000 meters, just for fun

Very nice. Photos of your S2? I recently got a S2 in .470 and was reloading for it yesterday. I haven't shot it yet but look forward to it. I would love to find an extra barrel set for it.
Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 2.27.32 PM.png
What are your hunt plans for using your S2? Yours shoots very well but from all users I have talked to, that's very common also. A scoped double 9.3 is pretty versatile.
What are your hunt plans for using your S2? Yours shoots very well but from all users I have talked to, that's very common also. A scoped double 9.3 is pretty versatile.
I impulsively bought hunts at the DSC silent auction for '25 and '26 for my wife and I in Limpopo SA. We went to Namibia in '22 which is the only time I've been to Africa so far.

I'm also going to bring my D99 duo for hunting small stuff and plan to use the 22 hornet barrel for a klippy.

Wife has a Savage Lady Hunter that i put a 358 win barrel on. She got 6 critters in Namibia with it including a nice Kudu. I can't convince her to let me replace it with something nicer, she loves that thing.

Included in the '25 hunt is a blue wildebeest and zebra for each of us. Another medium bore gun just wouldn't shoot as good as I'd like, so i used that as an excuse to get another rifle. After my experience with the D99, I kept coming back to finding some flavor of Blaser. My experience regulating the duo helped as the setup is exactly the same.
I came to the S2 through my experiences with the Blaser F3 shotguns and the Blaser R8 and K95 rifles. Perhaps take a look at the R8 or K95 systems? My own experiences have been excellent with them in the field. I hunted almost exclusively with the R8 and K95 last year on multiple hunts.
Great double in a super caliber......
What are your hunt plans for using your S2? Yours shoots very well but from all users I have talked to, that's very common also. A scoped double 9.3 is pretty versatile.
....and there are no excuses for missing the animal!

I came to the S2 through my experiences with the Blaser F3 shotguns and the Blaser R8 and K95 rifles. Perhaps take a look at the R8 or K95 systems? My own experiences have been excellent with them in the field. I hunted almost exclusively with the R8 and K95 last year on multiple hunts.
Yeah i like the k95. I'm sure I'll get one at some point
If anyone sees an S2 barrel, I’m still in the market for one. I have the rest of the gun. Thanks
Took it to 350m off of the ViperFlex sticks. Was pretty cold so I was hitting a few inches low vs the ASV dial on the Zeiss. Left barrel hits a tad lower than the right, but that's easy to adjust with this gun! This is thick AR550 I shoot with my 50 BMG, but the 9.3 still hits it quite hard!
Fantastic shooting for a double rifle at that distance. What is your 50 BMG setup? How far can you shoot there?
Fantastic shooting for a double rifle at that distance. What is your 50 BMG setup? How far can you shoot there?
Thanks, but the Blaser triggers and good bullets help a lot!

I can shoot 1100m with my setup right now. The 50 I have is a Desert Tech HTI, which I bought because of it being relatively light and compact and the ability to change barrels/calibers easily to 375 and 408 cheytac, or 416 barrett. I find the blast from a brake on a bullpup 50 to be obnoxious so I put a suppressor on instead, which is comically large.

I can attest that API ammo zips right through large engine blocks! It is a real crowd pleaser, but first timers underestimate the recoil of a relatively light 50 with no brake.
Thats nice shotting from your S2

that’s an accurate 50 BMG rig if your hitting that small of steel at 1100 yards. Do you have the 408 setup?
Thats nice shotting from your S2

that’s an accurate 50 BMG rig if your hitting that small of steel at 1100 yards. Do you have the 408 setup?
I bought a 375 for it but haven't shot yet. I naively assumed the threads would fit my 50 can but they are slightly different. It's not as simple as cutting and re-threading either since there is a flange built in to the barrel which I assume is to offer more support for suppressor (the 50 one weighs 4+ pounds!).
I guess I'll just end up getting a dedicated 375 can, which is a good deal lighter at least. Interested to see how the 375 does with the Hornady A-tip BC of .987 right at the heels of the 50 A-max BC of 1.050

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85lc wrote on wvfred's profile.
If youhave not sold your 11.2x72 Schuler, I will take it.
Just PM me.
Roy Beeson
HI all, here is a Short update on our America trip, I currently in Houston and have 2 more meetings here before movings North toward Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa, and from there I will head to Colorado and Idaho,I have been met with great hospitality and friendship, and have met several new and old clients and we are going to book the rest of 2025 season quick and have several dates booked for 2026!
That's a wrap, on our first hunt of this years season.

Hunting conditions are a bit tougher in South Africa during the month of February, but can be just as rewarding if done right.
James Friedrichs wrote on Dangerous Dave's profile.
can you send some pics of the 2.5-10 zeiss. I can't click on the pics to see the details. You noted some scratches. thx.