Okay. But I would look for a flag safety and shroud first (e.g. FN or military). Should be able to snag those parts on eBay pretty cheap. Then if you can make that setup work, think about Model 70 style safety (if scope will be mounted) which comes with new bolt shroud (obviously). Those are fairly pricey at $200+. Don't want to order one if it won't work. Sounds like you may also need to change triggers. Again, get that Mauser bolt shroud working first before ordering the other upgrades. Timney trigger for Mauser most likely will not work out of the box. Mine didn't. Instructions say shaving the trigger sear may be necessary. I chose to modify the cocking piece sear instead. It is easily and cheaply replaced if I screwed it up. Timney triggers aren't terribly expensive but not disposable either.