How (I Personally Believe) The Future Of Hunting Can Be Saved

Major Khan

AH legend
Dec 3, 2019
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It is no secret . There are a rancid number of depraved individuals across this world ... Who wish to ban the noble sport of hunting , world wide . They may range from the retards who consider ANY form of animal consumption to be immoral ... To the hypocrites who eat meat and wear leather , yet find hunting to be “ A step too far “ . As an 80 year old man who has been hunting full time for the last 61 years of my life , and a man who unfortunately saw hunting get COMPLETELY banned in his own birth country ( India , in 1972 ) ... I would like to share my personal insight on how serious this problem actually is , and how ( I personally believe that ) we ( The international hunting community ) can be able rectify this problem ( With a permanent solution ) .

For the purposes of convenience ... I am going to divide this article in to the following sections. ( Each of which shall be covered in a post ) :
> Step 2 : OUR YOUTH
> Step 3 : MEDIA
> Step 4 : UNITY


With out further ado ... Let us dive in , Dear Readers .

When I read about these topics on the internet ... I find it quite disconcerting to see , how FEW members of the international hunting community ACTUALLY take the threat of anti hunters SERIOUSLY . Many of us seem convinced that the anti hunters will never triumph, over us . This is a false reassurance . Let me tell you all , here and now . The threat of hunting getting banned ... Is very much a legitimate 1 , and certainly 1 which we must take seriously .

To put matters in to perspective ...Let me tell you all , how life in India was ... Prior to the so called “ Wild Life Protection Act - 1972 “ . Hunting season used to last 8 months of the year ( From November 15 to June 15 ) . And during the other 4 months of the year ...We could work on predator control ( Such as jackals , civet cats and the odd forest panther ) , or hunting crop damaging animals ( Such as Bengal Bush Bears , Nilgai , pigeons or cranes ) . Needless to say ... India used to be a hunter’s paradise . On average ... I estimate that I would typically expend no less than 25 shot gun cartridges per month . And wild game was a part of our regular diet ... Through out the year . We NEVER had to worry about game decimation , either . Since we would always rotate shooting blocks ... No single shooting block was EVER “ Over Hunted “ . All manner of game , were in abundance . EVERY house hold in India ... Used to possess a 12 Bore shot gun and a .22 Long Rifle caliber rifle , back in those days . India was the place , where 35 different kebab dishes were invented . Needless to say ... Hunting , fire arms ownership and meat eating were ALL integral parts of our rich Indian culture and heritage . If anyone is interested in knowing what the hunting regulations in India used to be like , prior to 1972 ... Then , please click here : . It is a scan of my copy of our “ Professional Shikaree’s Book Of Rules & Regulations For The State Of Uttar Pradesh ( November , 1967 - June , 1968 ) .

When Indira Gandhi came in to the political picture , during the late 1960s ... It was a publicly known fact that she was a nationalist radical Hindu vegan , who used to LOATHE hunting and fire arms ownership . We all knew that ( Given she had a choice ) she wanted to impose a complete nation wide ban on hunting , fire arms ownership , Western culture and meat eating . How ever , none of us ever actually expected her to succeed . We were all DEAD CERTAIN that the people of India would NEVER allow this socialist bitch to come to power . Oh , how wrong we were . While we were ignoring her ... She was slyly building up her popularity amongst illiterate villagers , radical Hindus and young , impressionable college goers . As punishment for our avarice ... You can see what what happened . After Indira Gandhi came to power ... She banned ANY & ALL hunting , by way of the so called “ Wild Life Protection Act - 1972 “ . And you can see the disastrous effect of that , today . Not only has poaching COMPLETELY destroyed virtually ALL of India’s fauna ( Out side of reserves ) . Not only has the amount of human - wild life conflict escalated to disconcerting levels . But the greatest crime of the Gandhi regime ... Is that it has successfully indoctrinated 3 entire generations of India’s youth against hunting , meat eating and fire arms ownership . Today , the youth of India liken hunters to serial killers . They liken meat eaters to ravenous animals . And they liken fire arms owners to criminals . This is why I fear that hunting , meat eating and fire arms can NEVER become socially acceptable practices in India’s society ... Ever again . The damage which Indira Gandhi dealt to our community ... Is irreparable .

Today , what happened in India ... Shows signs of happening all across the world . In Great Britain ( For instance ) the parasitic vegans and anti hunters have the loudest bark . Almost every month ... You have tabloids ( Such as Daily Mail , the Guardian & The Sun ... To name a few ) which have made condemning hunters , meat eaters and fire arms owners ... A regular part of their practice . Both the current political party ( Boris Johnson’s government ) and the Labor Party are dead set ... On banning hunting and fire arms ownership ( And also promoting vegan diets , along the way ) . In Canada ... The government is set on banning 1500 kinds of fire arms . In the United States Of America , an anti hunting / anti fire arms ownership / anti meat eating rhetoric can be seen in States where there is a strong Democratic presence ... Such as New York and California . This rhetoric is slowly spreading , much like the recent Chinese virus . The spread must be prevented . Sadly , most of us respond to these threats ... By laughing and calling the leftists names , such as “ Snow Flake “ , “ Libtard “ or “ Tree Hugger “ . Then , we proceed to go about our lives ... As if nothing has happened .

Needless to say ... These threats need to be taken extremely seriously . Other wise , it is only a matter of time ... Before what happened in India , happens to the rest of God’s Green Earth . I repeat again . DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF STUPID PEOPLE IN LARGE NUMBERS .
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Major , I agree with you , but we also must not forget about people that portray themselves as “hunters” but that act contrary to all accepted ethical standards and with little or no respect for their quarry - it is these people who are also a risk to our passion / sport as they very often supply the best “ammunition “ for the anti- hunting fraternity and do us great damage .
I look forward to reading the rest of this article and comments to see how much we all agree/disagree. I very much agree with what was written by Paul Raley above.
Major , I agree with you , but we also must not forget about people that portray themselves as “hunters” but that act contrary to all accepted ethical standards and with little or no respect for their quarry - it is these people who are also a risk to our passion / sport as they very often supply the best “ammunition “ for the anti- hunting fraternity and do us great damage .

First this is not personal. But I am reacting to the sentiment your posting.

So tired of the " but brigade".
But but... It has nothing to do with these people. It is only a stick to beat us with for these people. So there a a few bad apples, cry me a river. Even if all of our were saints they still are hellbend on banning hunting. Instead of bending the knee,stand tall. Ask them directly if without these people they would alter their stance if not do not waist your time. Educate those who want to be educated.

I think hunting can be be alligned to their progressivism. Because hunting is green, free range. I pose those arguments and talk about saving threatened species. I work in a left wing industry but I am not caving to the radicals. I talk about the principals of hunting and those who want to hear will will listen. The provacateurs I do not waist my time with. So do not apologize for those people, you are only responsible for your own actions.
End of rant.. ;)
Until we unite ourselves under one voice, we will eventually loose. I meant unite those who hunt with sporting rifles, those who like doubles, those who like synthetic stock rifles, the long range shooters, those who like to wear cammo, those who like Blaser, etc, etc. We also need to be more vocal. Don't show pictures of your trophy because it hurts our cause, don't do this because it hurts our cause. Don't wear camo because it gives out a bad impression. Don't argue with an anti, because they are irrational and will never understand. BS, we need to stand up to what we believe, be loud and vocal, and if the feelings of those a$$holes is hurts during the process, well, too bad! Get over it. The antis are loud, and very vocal, we on the other hand, are very passive and quiet. We rely on the organizations like DSC, SCI, etc, to do our work.

Are there bad hunters out there. Yes they are, there are bad people all over, but it is our job to stand up and show that not all hunters are like those bad apples.
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Major, the main issue here in the U.S. is demographics. The boomer generation is dying off and hunter numbers are decreasing. Whether or not this gives an opening to the anti-s, I'm not so sure. One plus here in the U.S. is the Pittman-Robertson act which taxes many types of sporting goods and funds wildlife conservation. It's done a lot to restore what was once a decimated wildlife population and is supported by many non-hunters.
@Major Khan, heretofore you have said very little, if anything, with which I could disagree. However, I'm afraid that's no longer the case - unless I have misinterpreted what you are saying. So there's yet hope!

I believe that the strongest foundation for hunting is mutual respect. So many people - the large majority in North America - are not hunters, but they do not (thereby necessarily) lack respect for those who do hunt. I see that all the time in my interactions with reasonable people. Once they know I am a hunter they may or may express a contrary view, they listen, we exchange stories and facts, and while I won't say many fall to their knees in a conversion experience, I know that many leave with something to think about.

I know many people who consider any form of meat consumption to be immoral. Many Buddhists (and all Jains, but I don't know any Jains) are strict vegetarians for this reason. Yet I have not yet come across one who would denounce me for having a different view (I am sure such people exist, but I have not found one, nor am I looking for one!). I know many vegans and vegetarians who choose not to eat meat for moral reasons, others for ecological reasons, and still others because they just got to the point of not liking meat. Whatever the reason, I am able to eat a steak at the same table and nary a word is said about my menu choice. I wouldn't, under any circumstances, call these people "retards" (a word my children will not let me use, by the way!) and I have do doubt that if they believed I looked at them in that way they would quickly change their opinion of me, as well as hunters, not without justification.

As I've said elsewhere, there is no point in engaging with the minority who would ban hunting all the time everywhere. These people are not open to discussion, logic, tolerance, or anything else which differentiates human beings from animals. If you were referring to these people, then happily we remain on the same page. But those who refuse to eat meat are not thereby included in that category, absent some other qualification. In other words, falling to eat meat is a necessary but not sufficient condition to fall on the wrong side of the line.
Step 2 : OUR YOUTH

It is quite depressing , that when ever I ask any person of my age about the potential threat of more hunting bans ... Their answer invariably is “ Yes , Well ... It will not occur in our life times “ . This is an extremely disturbing and selfish view . Not only should we personally enjoy hunting ... But we all have a moral responsibility to ensure that our future generations CAN & DO enjoy the noble sport , which we all love and adore so much .

To do this , our most important factor to consider ... Is our CHILDREN . Our youth . The 1s who WILL remain to run this world ... Long after we all have perished in to the happy hunting grounds . The issue about our youth , how ever ... Is that they are impressionable and thus , EXTREMELY susceptible to influence . Anti hunters , vegans and anti fire arms owners frequently learn to exploit this ... To devastating effect .

Let us examine how Indira Gandhi’s regime successfully indoctrinated the youth of India against hunting , fire arms ownership and meat eating . What you see below , is a poster of an Indian cinema named “ Janowaar Aur Insaan “ ( Which translates in to “ Beast & Man “ in English ) . It was released in 1972 ... A brain child of supporters of the Indira Gandhi regime . This film is despised by every single ( Surviving ) member of the Indian hunting community ... Because it is often viewed as the VERY 1st of the countless Indian cinemas which portray hunters , meat eaters and fire arms owners as irresponsible sadists , savages and cowards .

This film , Along with countless others ( Of similar subject matter ) that followed it ... Was specifically aimed at the youth of India , as a target audience . Indira Gandhi’s strategy was simple , yet extremely underhanded and cunning . She knew that the elder generations of India ( Who supported hunting , fire arms ownership and meat eating) would either :
> Eventually die out
> Immigrate to other countries
Her main target was , thus the younger generations of India . By ensuring that EVERY entertainment film in India had a strong anti hunting , anti fire arms ownership and anti meat eating message ( Either subtly or directly ) ... The media of the Indira Gandhi regime slowly began to indoctrinate India’s youth in to becoming militant nationalist socialist vegans .

48 years later , the damage caused by the Indira Gandhi regime ... has rooted itself all across India . Cinemas that demonize hunters , meat eaters and fire arms owners ... Are still being turned out by Indian cinema producers ( By the dozen ) . What you see below , is a photograph of an Indian film released in 2019 ... Named “ Junglee “ .

This film demonizes hunters , meat eaters and fire arms owners ... To almost comical extremes . This time ... Elephant hunters are portrayed as the villains ( Who are implied derive sexual pleasure from shooting elephants ) . What is flat out disturbing , is that the ending of this film actually dares to deliver the message ... That ALL hunting should be banned ( On an international level ) .

The disturbing fact that all of these trashy Indian films ( From 1972’s “ Janowaar Aur Insaan “ to 2019’s “ Junglee “ ) ... Are extremely well received by the Indian masses . They have worked to completely cement the idea in to the youth of India ... That hunters , meat eaters and fire arms owners are vile people , by definition .

In the United States Of America , while youth indoctrination still is not a serious problem ( Yet ) ... The problem is still very much apparent . Prior to 1939 ... The idea that fire arms are “ Bad “ , was practically unheard of . Comic book artist , Bob Kane changed all that ... When he introduced “ Bat Man “ in Detective Comics # 27 . By having Bruce Wayne ( Bat Man’s alter ego ) ‘s parents get killed by a pistol wielding mugger ... Bob Kane slowly began to teach America’s youth , that “ Guns Are For Cowards “ . Countless “ Bat Man “ comic books flat out state ... That fire arms are for evil people , only .

“ Bat Man “ was the 1st of many comic books , films and cartoons ... Aimed at demonizing America’s fire arms owners . Things slowly , but steadily escalated from there . In the 1990s ... an animated series named “ Captain Planet “ had surfaced . This was a cartoon series , written by so called “ Environmentalists “ . It ( On more than 1 episode ) portrays hunters are being responsible for destroying the earth’s eco system . The photograph below , shows how a hunter is depicted ... In “ Captain Planet “ .

Walt Disney certainly had their hands full , from the 1940s to the 1990s ... As well . It all started with the film , “ Bambi “ ( 1942 ) ... Which features a cruel hunter named “ Man “ . From there ... The subtle attacks on hunting ... Just got increasingly bolder . From Clayton in “ Tarzan “ ( Who is portrayed as a greedy , psychopathic gorilla hunter )

to Gaston in “ Beauty & The Beast “ ( Who is portrayed as a jealous megalomaniac , obsessed with mounting the male protagonist’s head on his wall )

... Hunters are always portrayed as greedy , self centered and psychopathic villains . An animator working for Walt Disney , by the name of Jack Hannah actually created a cartoon featuring Donald Duck ... By the name of “ No Hunting “ in the 1950s . Hannah , a self professed anti hunter ... Specifically created that cartoon with the intention of showing children “ How much hunters are a danger to themselves , as they are ... To the game which they are hunting “ . That cartoon portrays hundreds of hunters as nothing , but trigger happy ego maniacs .

In more recent years ... We have the “ Open Season “ series of animated films . The character of “ Shaw “ from the 1st “ Open Season “ film ... Is a combination of EVERY negative stereo type which is associated with hunting , meat eating and fire arms ownership . A psychopath who is obsessed with hunting a domestic Grizzly Bear ( For Lord knows WHAT reason ) , Shaw ( And indeed , ALL the hunters in the film ) is willing to even break the law ... In order to secure his quarry . He ( For some reason ) also apparently enjoys running over White Tail deer ... With his truck .

He also has a nick name for his rifle .

When I was doing my research ( Prior to writing this article ) ... I noticed that all of these films ( “ Bambi “ , “ Tarzan “ , “ Beauty & The Beast “ , “ Open Season” and other such films ) operate on a similar principle . They all portray animals as possessing human like features . They equate a human being killing an animal ... To murdering a fellow human being . When children watch these programs on the television ... The results are self explanatory . They immediately ( From a very tender impressionable age ) begin to perceive hunters as “ Bad People “ .

How do we counter act this ? Well , the simple solution would be : Do not let your children watch these leftist shows ( Which subtly preach their propaganda , in the name of “ entertainment “ ) . How ever , let us be honest . This strategy is not practically feasible . Your child may watch such films , when they are alone . They may watch them at a friend’s house . And then ... It is just not practically possible for parents to monitor EVERY THING which their children watches , in this day and age ( Indeed , I know some of my friends’ 8 year old grand children ... Who can operate smart phones far better than I can ) .

A far more practical approach ... Is to simply spend more time with your children . Take the hunting from a very young age . Get them to love nature , fire arms , game meat and hunting . Teach them that hunting is greatly misrepresented and misunderstood . Another thing to do ... Is to introduce your children to comic books / films or cartoons , which paint hunting in a positive light .

Of course , given how most of the American entertainment industry is controlled by leftists ... Finding such material can indeed be like finding a needle in a hay stack . During my research ( Prior to commencing writing this article ) ... I was quite impressed to come across a series of comic books , named “ Xenaxoic Tales “ , which actually does a REALLY impressive job at showing how hunting and conservation can go hand in hand . While the plot is purely fictional ( It is set in the distant post apocalyptic future , where dinosaurs have returned ) ... The comic books did an impressive work in showing how important hunting is , for providing a balance in the eco system ( While at the same time , going to show that there is a clear distinction between hunters and poachers ) . The protagonists are big game hunters ... While the antagonists are poachers ( On a personal note , I was also mighty impressed to read about some of the attention to detail which the authors put in to the comic books . The protagonist are armed with pre 64 Winchester Model 70 bolt rifles , chambered in .458 Winchester magnum . They also went so far as to high light the importance of choosing soft point bullets and solid metal covered bullets ... For use against different game animals ) . The comic books also thankfully portray hunters as normal looking people ... As opposed to over weight , ugly sub human creatures .

Unfortunately , ( Like all pro hunting media in today’s world) the comic book only lasted 14 issues ( From 1987 - 1994 ) . It did inspire an animated television series , and 2 video games , how ever .

I would personally like to give credit to @Panther Shooter ‘s lovely daughter ( Who works with troubled children ) ... For aiding me in researching in to the countless children's films ( And comic books ) , which are mentioned in this post .
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When I read about these topics on the internet ... I find it quite disconcerting to see , how FEW members of the international hunting community ACTUALLY take the threat of anti hunters SERIOUSLY . Many of us seem convinced that the anti hunters will never triumph, over us . This is a false reassurance . Let me tell you all , here and now . The threat of hunting getting banned ... Is very much a legitimate 1 , and certainly 1 which we must take seriously .

To put matters in to perspective ...Let me tell you all , how life in India was ... Prior to the so called “ Wild Life Protection Act - 1972 “ . Hunting season used to last 8 months of the year ( From November 15 to June 15 ) . And during the other 4 months of the year ...We could work on predator control ( Such as jackals , civet cats and the odd forest panther ) , or hunting crop damaging animals ( Such as Bengal Bush Bears , Nilgai , pigeons or cranes ) . Needless to say ... India used to be a hunter’s paradise . On average ... I estimate that I would typically expend no less than 25 shot gun cartridges per month . And wild game was a part of our regular diet ... Through out the year . We NEVER had to worry about game decimation , either . Since we would always rotate shooting blocks ... No single shooting block was EVER “ Over Hunted “ . All manner of game , were in abundance . EVERY house hold in India ... Used to possess a 12 Bore shot gun and a .22 Long Rifle caliber rifle , back in those days . India was the place , where 35 different kebab dishes were invented . Needless to say ... Hunting , fire arms ownership and meat eating were ALL integral parts of our rich Indian culture and heritage . If anyone is interested in knowing what the hunting regulations in India used to be like , prior to 1972 ... Then , please click here : . It is a scan of my copy of our “ Professional Shikaree’s Book Of Rules & Regulations For The State Of Uttar Pradesh ( November , 1967 - June , 1968 ) .

When Indira Gandhi came in to the political picture , during the late 1960s ... It was a publicly known fact that she was a nationalist radical Hindu vegan , who used to LOATHE hunting and fire arms ownership . We all knew that ( Given she had a choice ) she wanted to impose a complete nation wide ban on hunting , fire arms ownership , Western culture and meat eating . How ever , none of us ever actually expected her to succeed . We were all DEAD CERTAIN that the people of India would NEVER allow this socialist bitch to come to power . Oh , how wrong we were . While we were ignoring her ... She was slyly building up her popularity amongst illiterate villagers , radical Hindus and young , impressionable college goers . As punishment for our avarice ... You can see what what happened . After Indira Gandhi came to power ... She banned ANY & ALL hunting , by way of the so called “ Wild Life Protection Act - 1972 “ . And you can see the disastrous effect of that , today . Not only has poaching COMPLETELY destroyed virtually ALL of India’s fauna ( Out side of reserves ) . Not only has the amount of human - wild life conflict escalated to disconcerting levels . But the greatest crime of the Gandhi regime ... Is that it has successfully indoctrinated 3 entire generations of India’s youth against hunting , meat eating and fire arms ownership . Today , the youth of India liken hunters to serial killers . They liken meat eaters to ravenous animals . And they liken fire arms owners to criminals . This is why I fear that hunting , meat eating and fire arms can NEVER become socially acceptable practices in India’s society ... Ever again . The damage which Indira Gandhi dealt to our community ... Is irreparable .

Today , what happened in India ... Shows signs of happening all across the world . In Great Britain ( For instance ) the parasitic vegans and anti hunters have the loudest bark . Almost every month ... You have tabloids ( Such as Daily Mail , the Guardian & The Sun ... To name a few ) which have made condemning hunters , meat eaters and fire arms owners ... A regular part of their practice . Both the current political party ( Boris Johnson’s government ) and the Labor Party are dead set ... On banning hunting and fire arms ownership ( And also promoting vegan diets , along the way ) . In Canada ... The government is set on banning 1500 kinds of fire arms . In the United States Of America , an anti hunting / anti fire arms ownership / anti meat eating rhetoric can be seen in States where there is a strong Democratic presence ... Such as New York and California . This rhetoric is slowly spreading , much like the recent Chinese virus . The spread must be prevented . Sadly , most of us respond to these threats ... By laughing and calling the leftists names , such as “ Snow Flake “ , “ Libtard “ or “ Tree Hugger “ . Then , we proceed to go about our lives ... As if nothing has happened .

Needless to say ... These threats need to be taken extremely seriously . Other wise , it is only a matter of time ... Before what happened in India , happens to the rest of God’s Green Earth . I repeat again . DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF STUPID PEOPLE IN LARGE NUMBERS .
Friend Ponton
In Australia we are fortunate to have the Shooters,fishers and farmers party in parliament that stand up for shooters and our rights. They have been responsible for helping open up vast tracts of state forrest for hunting.
We also have The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia that does a great job of promoting shooting sports in Australia as well as having a great youth program and shooting camps for juniors. They also have an initiative called sponsor a junior where an adult member can donate or fund a junior shooter.
Firearm ownership is now growing here due to these organizations and a rebellion against the government to restrict our sport.
Long live our right to hunt.
Speak up and speak out before you loose this wonderful right.
Your humble reader and friend
First this is not personal. But I am reacting to the sentiment your posting.

So tired of the " but brigade".
But but... It has nothing to do with these people. It is only a stick to beat us with for these people. So there a a few bad apples, cry me a river. Even if all of our were saints they still are hellbend on banning hunting. Instead of bending the knee,stand tall. Ask them directly if without these people they would alter their stance if not do not waist your time. Educate those who want to be educated.

I think hunting can be be alligned to their progressivism. Because hunting is green, free range. I pose those arguments and talk about saving threatened species. I work in a left wing industry but I am not caving to the radicals. I talk about the principals of hunting and those who want to hear will will listen. The provacateurs I do not waist my time with. So do not apologize for those people, you are only responsible for your own actions.
End of rant.. ;)
When I was going to Namibia a lot of my non hunting friends asked why I wanted to go there to kill those beautiful animals.
I explained to them the conservation issues and how the community benefits from hunting as well as how the money is used for conservation and protection of the animal they had a greater understanding and wondered why we couldn't do this in OZ, but that's a different story. Yes there were still some that didn't like it but once explained with an emphasis on compassion for the animals welfare and the aim was a one shot one kill without suffering or stress they at least accepted tho they still didn't like it.
Take heed Americans, for I can see much the same process happening here in Britain too, and so your time will come.

As far as hunting in Britain goes, it's my view that it's simply a matter of time. The number of hunters remain stable but the average age increases every year and we lost the battle of 'hearts and minds' at least 30 years ago. Many rights have been lost, and once gone, none have ever been returned. I fully expect to see a full ban on civilian firearms ownership within my lifetime and I wouldn't be surprised if hunting goes even sooner than that.

Our mistake really was to not push for good PR when we had a chance. Anti-hunting and anti-shooting media is common here too, from Roald Dahl to Walt Disney to PETA and we, the British sportsmen, never even bothered to respond. At first it was because it was inconcievable that hunting or shooting would be curtailed, then we didn't need semi-autos to hunt, then a few years later what use were pistols for deer stalking anyway? Come the 2000s foxhunting with dogs was on the block, but what relevance did that have to us as shooters?

Then here we are, 2020, when the weight of public opinion (or at least as presented on social media) has fallen irrevocably against us and we don't have the numbers, the resources or the political support to turn the tide. Driven pheasant shooting is next to go I reckon and every year people call for the banning of Grouse shooting. But no lessons have been learnt. I go on UK forums and people are there saying that 'they don't shoot pheasants and don't agree with putting down birds, so who cares if it's banned'. Have they learnt nothing?

Make no mistake, the people still don't largely care, but there is a world of difference between bringing a true moderate with a vague understanding that hunting happens and why it is done on side, and swaying the opinions of the indifferent, but urbanite person with no concept or understanding at all who is liable, if put upon for an opinion, to say they don't support hunting 'because deer are cute, fluffy animals, just like bambi'.

In this situation it is at best a nothing decision and at worst political suicide to come out in support of hunting. No votes wil be won and a politician in the UK who publicly comes out in support of hunting is unlikely to last the next election and so, piece by piece legislation comes in to curb shooting and hunting... all with no proportionate push back from a pro-hunting faction. It's salami tactics, and slim slices at that, but it'll only end up one way in the end.

So. Learnings for countries that still have a chance. 1. Support your political lobbies. Yes, the NRA says some ridiculous shit at times, but make no mistake, they'e doing this sport a world of good over there. 2. Publicise what you do and why to as many people as possible. There are still enough hunters in America as a percentage of population for this to be a normal mainstream activity. Make sure it stays that way! As soon as it's a fringe thing, it can be marginalised and then, you're doomed. 3. Introduce noobs. Seriously, you aren't getting any younger and someone will need to continue to hold the line. 4. Don't budge an inch, ever, on anything. You might not participate in a discipline, you may not get why people need a certain gun, but as soon as a precedent is set that things can be banned, that this can be restricted, you're screwed. Once a right is gone, that's it. It isn't coming back. 5. Accept that you mght need to make financial contributions to this cause. Lobbying aint cheap, and PR is even less so. But if you don't now, soon you'll find you've plenty of cash but no hunting to spend it on.

So that's a load off my chest and a depressing topic for many. So here's a silver lining! I had a skype cal with my new team mates based in Milwaukee this afternoon. One of my new colleagues, a younger guy in his late twenties had for his corporate 'skype / teams / email' picture that shows up right next to the big company banner in all communications with customers, suppliers, comanufacturers, a shot of him smiling happily behind a beautiful whitetail buck he'd shot. In the UK, that'd be ballsy to the point of stupid. You're just inviting a barrage of judgment from suppliers and a 'request' from HR not to have such a 'challenging' topic attached to the company image. In the US, far as I can tell it's not even worthy of comment. So. Very. Refreshing...

When I was going to Namibia a lot of my non hunting friends asked why I wanted to go there to kill those beautiful animals.
I explained to them the conservation issues and how the community benefits from hunting as well as how the money is used for conservation and protection of the animal they had a greater understanding and wondered why we couldn't do this in OZ, but that's a different story. Yes there were still some that didn't like it but once explained with an emphasis on compassion for the animals welfare and the aim was a one shot one kill without suffering or stress they at least accepted tho they still didn't like it.
@Bob Nelson 35Whelen .
This is so true. A lot of it is not having knowledge about hunting. Lot of non-hunters are having trouble understanding that we kill in order to hunt instead of hunting in order to kill. Besides lots of them having issues with pictures of the trophy with the hunter smiling beside it. I think the latter is somewhat understandable.
Step 3 : MEDIA

It goes with out saying . Media controls public sentiment ... To the greatest degree . They can make a person look like a sadist or a saint ... Depending up on whom they side up with . If you look at British tabloids ( Daily Mail , The Guardian , The Sun ) ... Then , you shall immediately notice their avarice .

They have gone so far as to make publish ENTIRE ARTICLES slandering world renowned sports men ... Such as Mr. Ron Thompson and Tony Sanchez Arino . I often find myself wondering ... Exactly how emboldened can British Tabloids be , to make personal attacks against people . As if things were not bad enough , as it is ... We have a delusional bastard named Eduardo Goncalves , to further complicate things .

The president of the notorious British anti hunting pressure group “ Campaign To Ban Trophy Hunting “ ... This lying , thieving , pathetic excuse of a man has basically dedicated his entire life ... To demonizing our kind , and the noble sport which we all enjoy so much . He is recently writing his newest piece of propaganda , titled “ Trophy Hunters Exposed : Inside The Trophy Hunting Industry “ . This book is reported to directly slander countless of our brother sports men ... Directly by name . It also goes after British bespoke gun maker , Mr. Paul Roberts ( A gentle man formerly involved in running John Rigby & Co. during the 1980s ) .

Practically every month , these tabloids ( Usually British , but also to a lesser extent ... European and American ) publish some garbage article ... Which demonizes hunters , fire arms owners and meat eaters . The ignorant masses read this garbage ... And the end results are inevitable . More and more “ Neutrals “ turn against hunting , fire arms ownership and meat eating .

Last year , in America ... A hunter ( utilizing a muzzle loading flint lock rifle ) got fatally gored to death , by the antlers of a mule deer which he had badly wounded . The “ New York Times “ published an article involving the incident ... Which was titled “ Armed hunter gets killed by unarmed deer “ . With little imagination ... It can clearly be understood , how atrociously the article celebrated the death of the poor sports man . Sadly , this sort of garbage being published ... Is a common practice , these days .

It seems to me , that the bulk of media in developed countries ( Presently ) is controlled by leftists ... Who invariably pander largely to the anti hunting , anti fire arms ownership and anti meat eating crowd . A rather disturbing reality is that the vast majority of the common masses ... Are going to believe what ever they read on Face Book , see on the internet or watch on television . With out any question .

In today’s day and age ... people seem extremely fixated up on what “ Celebrities “ seem to think . A celebrity can post an untruthful or misleading statement on social media ( Which they often do ) ... And suddenly millions of their fans & followers are going to believe them ( With out question ) . For instance ... Let us look at the late British James Bond actor , Roger Moore . In his film , “ Moon Raker “ ... There is a scene where the villain is enjoying a driven pheasant shoot . The villain then quips how enjoyable driven pheasant hunting is . Moore’s character , then quips “ Unless if you are a pheasant “ . It immediately sets the tone that pheasant hunting is some thing , which depraved individuals enjoy ... While noble people oppose pheasant hunting . This is hardly surprising , because Roger Moore used to be a notorious anti hunter his entire life . On more than 1 occasion , he had publicly condemned the practice of hunting ( In ANY form ) . Needless to say ... Millions of Moore’s blind followers and fans soon developed anti hunting sentiments , as well .

In modern times , there are more radical examples . Actor , Mark Wahlberg once publicly called Actor , Charlton Heston “ The greatest villain of all time “ , because Charlton Heston was ( At the time ) the President of the American National Rifle Association . Millions of Mark Wahlberg’s fans soon blindly echoed Mark’s sentiments ... Completely ignoring the fact that Mark Wahlberg is a former convicted felon and a racist , who has been charged with committing multiple hate crimes .

Rosie O Donell ( A talk show host ) once ( In 1999 ) publicly attacked Mr. Tom Selleck ( An actor , who was also a former member of the California National Guard and the spokes man for the American National Rifle Association ) on her talk show , for his views on fire arms ownership ( Mr. Selleck is an avid hunter and fire arms enthusiast , just like all of us are ) . The video is available on “ You Tube “ for all to see . As usual ... Millions of Rosie’s fans boldly supported her ... When she rudely attempted to force her ( Irrational ) views down Mr. Selleck’s throat . Mr . Selleck , being a no nonsense gentle man ... Naturally did the valiant thing , by publicly defending his views and walking out the “ Show “ ( Which was actually more of an ambush , than a talk show session ) .

A few years ago ... An American gentle man shot an African lion , which was named “ Cecil “ by the lion’s fans . Despite the hunt being perfectly legal ... The media ( By spewing countless lies and twisting facts , for the purposes of making a more sensational story ) absolutely demonized the American hunter , while taking multiple stabs at the very concept of hunting ... Itself .

Perhaps the most disgusting act , ever committed by media in modern times ... Was to politicize the killing of a silver back gorilla nick named “ Harambe “ . The incident occurred at a zoo , where the silver back bull gorilla was kept . A child ( Whose parents were not properly tending to him ) had managed to crawl in to the gorilla’s enclosure ... At which point the Savage brute proceeded to attack the child . 1 of the employees at the zoo ... Was forced to make an extremely grim choice . Either he could let the child die ... Or he could kill the gorilla , in order to prevent the child from getting killed . Like any sensible man would ( In a similar predicament ) ... The employee rationalized that human life ( And that too , an innocent child’s ) was far more important than a gorilla’s . He fired a shot from his rifle ... In to the brute’s heart , killing the enraged gorilla ... Swiftly .

There was a MASSIVE media out rage ( All across the world ) about the death of the gorilla . People blamed the zoo employees. People blamed the negligent parents . But most disconcertingly ... People actually had the GALL to blame the innocent child . In that moment ... A harsh reality dawned up on me . I bitterly realized that many people in this world ... Would happily prioritize a savage animal’s life , over the life of a human child . That is what this world has sadly come to .

So , how do we counter against media condemnation and propaganda ? Simple , we establish media of our own. While pro hunting / fire arms owning / meat eating groups in Great Britain are not really seeming to have much good fortune , in terms of defending their values ... The pro hunting / fire arms owning / meat eating groups in America , Australia and Continental Europe are actually faring FAR better , in this regard .

There are countless exceptional American , Australian and European pro hunting blogs , web sites and magazines ... Who have dedicated themselves to fighting for the things , which we love most . They are fighting for our values , regularly ... By high lighting how hunting and conservation can ( And do ) easily go hand in hand . They also high light the vitality of fire arms ownership and the importance of meat in 1’s diet . What we need to do , as hunters ... Is support these groups and beat the leftists at their own game . If they can use media as a tool , to mislead the masses ... Then , we must learn to use media ... As well . How ever , as opposed to misleading the masses ... We shall be educating them . Telling them about how hunting has ( In countless cases ) actually aided in increasing and stabilizing the populations of countless endangered species ... And brought them back , from the brink of extinction .

My good friend , @Bob Nelson 35Whelen has kindly brought to my attention ... The wise , harmonious and efficient manner in which the hunting and shooting community in Australia have been succeeding in defending their rights , hobbies and values . Certainly , we all could learn an educational thing or 2 ... From our brother sports men in the land down under !

In Africa , we have countless seasoned professionals such as Mr. Robin Hurt and Mr. Ivan Carter ( To name a few ) ... Who do quite excellent jobs at teaching the masses about the TRUE ethics behind hunting and conservation .

All in all , what is most crucial ... Is a good media to represent us . And to get the message through to the masses ... That hunting AIDS conservation in the largest way , possible .
That right there Maj Kahn summarize what one of the biggest problem is. These idiots are not afraid of attacking us, and in some cases almost destroying the life and businesses, like in the case of the Dr who shot "Cecil". In some cases we can rationalize with them, but in the majority of the cases we cannot even have a civilized conversation. You pointing out the valiant hunters in the Disney movies, show how they stereotype who we are and how they get away with it.

Where I live in Middle Georgia, cammo is a fashion statement. (y) Many times I've seen a deer in the back of a trailer or on the back of a hitch cargo carrier. No one thinks twice about it. We can also open carry in GA (I don't for my own personal reasons), but most people do in this area, and again, no ones pays attention or gets offended about it. In these neck of the woods, hunting is a way of life.

Wish the rest of the US and the world was like that. :)
I think one thing missing from your media discussion is YouTube. It is probably the most direct route around any mainstream media that can still reach a huge audience. Dallas Safari Club has a channel and has been putting out quite a few short videos lately. It’s really sad to see how few views the channel gets (including from hunters) only 4 videos have over 1000 views in 4 years most less than 100 and many less than 20 views.
Step 3 : MEDIA

It goes with out saying . Media controls public sentiment ... To the greatest degree . They can make a person look like a sadist or a saint ... Depending up on whom they side up with . If you look at British tabloids ( Daily Mail , The Guardian , The Sun ) ... Then , you shall immediately notice their avarice .

They have gone so far as to make publish ENTIRE ARTICLES slandering world renowned sports men ... Such as Mr. Ron Thompson and Tony Sanchez Arino . I often find myself wondering ... Exactly how emboldened can British Tabloids be , to make personal attacks against people . As if things were not bad enough , as it is ... We have a delusional bastard named Eduardo Goncalves , to further complicate things .

The president of the notorious British anti hunting pressure group “ Campaign To Ban Trophy Hunting “ ... This lying , thieving , pathetic excuse of a man has basically dedicated his entire life ... To demonizing our kind , and the noble sport which we all enjoy so much . He is recently writing his newest piece of propaganda , titled “ Trophy Hunters Exposed : Inside The Trophy Hunting Industry “ . This book is reported to directly slander countless of our brother sports men ... Directly by name . It also goes after British bespoke gun maker , Mr. Paul Roberts ( A gentle man formerly involved in running John Rigby & Co. during the 1980s ) .

Practically every month , these tabloids ( Usually British , but also to a lesser extent ... European and American ) publish some garbage article ... Which demonizes hunters , fire arms owners and meat eaters . The ignorant masses read this garbage ... And the end results are inevitable . More and more “ Neutrals “ turn against hunting , fire arms ownership and meat eating .

Last year , in America ... A hunter ( utilizing a muzzle loading flint lock rifle ) got fatally gored to death , by the antlers of a mule deer which he had badly wounded . The “ New York Times “ published an article involving the incident ... Which was titled “ Armed hunter gets killed by unarmed deer “ . With little imagination ... It can clearly be understood , how atrociously the article celebrated the death of the poor sports man . Sadly , this sort of garbage being published ... Is a common practice , these days .

It seems to me , that the bulk of media in developed countries ( Presently ) is controlled by leftists ... Who invariably pander largely to the anti hunting , anti fire arms ownership and anti meat eating crowd . A rather disturbing reality is that the vast majority of the common masses ... Are going to believe what ever they read on Face Book , see on the internet or watch on television . With out any question .

In today’s day and age ... people seem extremely fixated up on what “ Celebrities “ seem to think . A celebrity can post an untruthful or misleading statement on social media ( Which they often do ) ... And suddenly millions of their fans & followers are going to believe them ( With out question ) . For instance ... Let us look at the late British James Bond actor , Roger Moore . In his film , “ Moon Raker “ ... There is a scene where the villain is enjoying a driven pheasant shoot . The villain then quips how enjoyable driven pheasant hunting is . Moore’s character , then quips “ Unless if you are a pheasant “ . It immediately sets the tone that pheasant hunting is some thing , which depraved individuals enjoy ... While noble people oppose pheasant hunting . This is hardly surprising , because Roger Moore used to be a notorious anti hunter his entire life . On more than 1 occasion , he had publicly condemned the practice of hunting ( In ANY form ) . Needless to say ... Millions of Moore’s blind followers and fans soon developed anti hunting sentiments , as well .

In modern times , there are more radical examples . Actor , Mark Wahlberg once publicly called Actor , Charlton Heston “ The greatest villain of all time “ , because Charlton Heston was ( At the time ) the President of the American National Rifle Association . Millions of Mark Wahlberg’s fans soon blindly echoed Mark’s sentiments ... Completely ignoring the fact that Mark Wahlberg is a former convicted felon and a racist , who has been charged with committing multiple hate crimes .

Rosie O Donell ( A talk show host ) once ( In 1999 ) publicly attacked Mr. Tom Selleck ( An actor , who was also a former member of the California National Guard and the spokes man for the American National Rifle Association ) on her talk show , for his views on fire arms ownership ( Mr. Selleck is an avid hunter and fire arms enthusiast , just like all of us are ) . The video is available on “ You Tube “ for all to see . As usual ... Millions of Rosie’s fans boldly supported her ... When she rudely attempted to force her ( Irrational ) views down Mr. Selleck’s throat . Mr . Selleck , being a no nonsense gentle man ... Naturally did the valiant thing , by publicly defending his views and walking out the “ Show “ ( Which was actually more of an ambush , than a talk show session ) .

A few years ago ... An American gentle man shot an African lion , which was named “ Cecil “ by the lion’s fans . Despite the hunt being perfectly legal ... The media ( By spewing countless lies and twisting facts , for the purposes of making a more sensational story ) absolutely demonized the American hunter , while taking multiple stabs at the very concept of hunting ... Itself .

Perhaps the most disgusting act , ever committed by media in modern times ... Was to politicize the killing of a silver back gorilla nick named “ Harambe “ . The incident occurred at a zoo , where the silver back bull gorilla was kept . A child ( Whose parents were not properly tending to him ) had managed to crawl in to the gorilla’s enclosure ... At which point the Savage brute proceeded to attack the child . 1 of the employees at the zoo ... Was forced to make an extremely grim choice . Either he could let the child die ... Or he could kill the gorilla , in order to prevent the child from getting killed . Like any sensible man would ( In a similar predicament ) ... The employee rationalized that human life ( And that too , an innocent child’s ) was far more important than a gorilla’s . He fired a shot from his rifle ... In to the brute’s heart , killing the enraged gorilla ... Swiftly .

There was a MASSIVE media out rage ( All across the world ) about the death of the gorilla . People blamed the zoo employees. People blamed the negligent parents . But most disconcertingly ... People actually had the GALL to blame the innocent child . In that moment ... A harsh reality dawned up on me . I bitterly realized that many people in this world ... Would happily prioritize a savage animal’s life , over the life of a human child . That is what this world has sadly come to .

So , how do we counter against media condemnation and propaganda ? Simple , we establish media of our own. While pro hunting / fire arms owning / meat eating groups in Great Britain are not really seeming to have much good fortune , in terms of defending their values ... The pro hunting / fire arms owning / meat eating groups in America , Australia and Continental Europe are actually faring FAR better , in this regard .

There are countless exceptional American , Australian and European pro hunting blogs , web sites and magazines ... Who have dedicated themselves to fighting for the things , which we love most . They are fighting for our values , regularly ... By high lighting how hunting and conservation can ( And do ) easily go hand in hand . They also high light the vitality of fire arms ownership and the importance of meat in 1’s diet . What we need to do , as hunters ... Is support these groups and beat the leftists at their own game . If they can use media as a tool , to mislead the masses ... Then , we must learn to use media ... As well . How ever , as opposed to misleading the masses ... We shall be educating them . Telling them about how hunting has ( In countless cases ) actually aided in increasing and stabilizing the populations of countless endangered species ... And brought them back , from the brink of extinction .

My good friend , @Bob Nelson 35Whelen has kindly brought to my attention ... The wise , harmonious and efficient manner in which the hunting and shooting community in Australia have been succeeding in defending their rights , hobbies and values . Certainly , we all could learn an educational thing or 2 ... From our brother sports men in the land down under !

In Africa , we have countless seasoned professionals such as Mr. Robin Hurt and Mr. Ivan Carter ( To name a few ) ... Who do quite excellent jobs at teaching the masses about the TRUE ethics behind hunting and conservation .

All in all , what is most crucial ... Is a good media to represent us . And to get the message through to the masses ... That hunting AIDS conservation in the largest way , possible .
My dear friend Ponton
We do have our share of crazies in Australia that attack farmers for have pigs or chickens on mass production and animal libbers.
Last night there was a rally for refugees so PETA decided to do an animal rights protest at the same time. They got about 30 seconds of tv time as police shut down their illegal protests.
The best on I have ever heard came out of America.
A group of farmers were having a meeting about mountain loins killing their stock in large numbers and were discussing how best to manage it.
An animal rights person at the meeting suggested that the should trap them and neuter the males. This would stop their breeding and save the cattle
My dear friend Ponton
We do have our share of crazies in Australia that attack farmers for have pigs or chickens on mass production and animal libbers.
Last night there was a rally for refugees so PETA decided to do an animal rights protest at the same time. They got about 30 seconds of tv time as police shut down their illegal protests.
The best on I have ever heard came out of America.
A group of farmers were having a meeting about mountain loins killing their stock in large numbers and were discussing how best to manage it.
An animal rights person at the meeting suggested that the should trap them and neuter the males. This would stop their breeding and save the cattle
One rancher came up with a brilliant reply. He said lady that sounds all well and good but the problem I see is these mountain loins ain't fucking my cattle they're eating them. That ended her discussion real quick.
Yes my friend we are very fortunate in Australia to have politicians and others that support our noble sport.
In the last 10 years membership at my local shooting club has risen from 2,000 people to over 7,000. This increase is also a lot of women and younger 12 year olds that the parents are bringing to the club to try shooting.
Our SSAA magazine even publishes a magazine exclusively for youth and invites them to write articles about their hunting.
The main magazine also has a section promoting a junior shooters achievements.
We are trying to actively promote our sport out here.
Your humble reader and friend
Bob Nelson.
Step 4 : UNITY

“ Canned Lion Hunting is sick ! “ , “ Why would you need a semi automatic rifle for hunting ? “ , “ An A R 15 is an assault weapon . Why would anyone purchase 1 of those , for hunting ? “ , “ I hunt ducks and deer for food . But Trophy Hunting is a sick activity ! “ , “ I shoot Cape buffaloes , but why on earth ... Would anyone wish to shoot a lion ? “ , “ I hunt in Africa a lot . But you have to be a real psychopath ... To want to shoot an elephant . “ , “ I love hunting eland , but why on earth ... Would anyone wish to hunt a giraffe ? “ , “ If you use a small caliber on your game animal , then you clearly do not respect the animal enough to deserve to hunt it . “ , “ No real sports man , ever participates in a driven hunt ! “ , “ Hunting over dogs , is cruel ! No real hunter hunts this way . “ , “ Repeating rifles are unsportsmanlike . True sports men only use single shot rifles , or doubles .“ , “ Bow hunting is barbaric ! “ , “ Hunting deer with buck shot , should be completely banned ! It is so cruel ! “ , “ A .375 Holland & Holland magnum is all you really need to hunt the world . If you use a bigger caliber , then you simply can not shoot straight . “ , “ If you need a rifle with 6 cartridges in the magazine , then you do not deserve to be hunting ... Any way “, “ Baited hunts are unsportsmanlike. “ , “ Hunting at night should be banned . “ , Those who pose with their slain game animals for photographs , do not respect the animal which we are hunting ... At all . “ , “ If you are truly an ethical hunter , then do not hunt with iron sights “ .

The above is a sample of just some of the more condescending statements ... Which are often made by members of the international hunting community , in regards to other hunters . In American terms , “ We are always after each other’s asses “ . We are too pushy about our views and philosophies ... Which we always attempt to shove down the throats of other hunters , by attempting to impose up on them .

During our time ... We were no different . Back when I used to be a professional shikaree in Nagpur , India ( From 1961 - 1970 ) ... There were 14 different shikar out fitters , all across India . And we were damned competitive , with 1 another . This competitiveness often turned in to indirect hostility . Each out fitter was so desperate to attract more clients ... That they were always pettily attempting to defame the other out fitters . This had some pretty negative effects on the Indian hunting industry ... As a whole .

Some examples of such defamation , included :
> If the client of another shikar out fitter , took even a dove with out a license ...Then , the owner of Allwyn Cooper Limited ( The out fitter which I was under the employment of ) would see to it ... That Indian tabloids circulated the news like wild fire .
> If a client of Allwyn Cooper Limited lost a gaur bison , after wounding it ... Then , the owner of Rao Naidu Shikar Limited would go around spreading the rumor ... That Allwyn Cooper Limited’s shikarees were letting wounded game animals escape , only to die lingering deaths in the thickets .
> If a professional shikaree working for Rao Naidu Shikar Limited , was forced to dispatch an unlicensed animal ( In order to save his client’s life , or the life of someone else in the shikar party ) ... Then , the owner of Sundar Raj Shikar Limited would immediately bring it to the public’s attention ... That Rao Naidu Shikar Limited’s employees were decimating India’s wild life , by not adhering to any bag limits .
> If a client of Sundar Raj Shikar Limited , took his royal Bengal tiger over bait ... Then , the owner of Allwyn Cooper Limited would go around circulating the rumor that Sundar Raj Shikar Limited ... Was offering shikars via “ Unsporting Methods “ .

In hind sight ... It is quite clear to see how the ( Silently , but steadily ) growing anti hunting crowd in India , was able to exploit this behavior to their benefit . The lack of unity amongst India’s professional shikar out fitters ... Was partially responsible for leading to our eventual down fall , in 1972 . Our “ Bitching “ about each other ... Was merely providing more ammunition for the Indira Gandhi regime , to publicly demonize hunters , fire arms owners and meat eaters before the ignorant masses .

Today , things are no different . Some hunters are critical of “ Canned Lion Hunting “ . Some hunters believe that you should not hunt with semi automatic weapons . Some hunters believe that you should only hunt with telescopic sights . Some hunters believe that using small calibers on game animals , is inhumane . Some hunters believe that buck shot should be banned , from being used on 4 legged game . Some hunters believe that certain animals are acceptable quarry ... While others are not . Some hunters believe that driven hunts are immoral ... While other hunters believe that baited hunts are immoral . Some hunters loathe the concept of hunting at night . Some hunters believe that only single shot or double barreled rifles should be used , for sporting purposes . The list of different philosophies could no on , for ever .

The infamous John Pondoro Taylor ( Author of “ African Rifles & Cartridges “ ) actually made 1 such comment in his book ... Which made my blood boil . He had the gall to make the statement that repeating rifles should be prohibited ... From being used against African game animals .

I personally believe that despite all of our differing views on how to go about our business ... The international hunting community is solidly united by 1 strong fact : That we hunt . Could a stronger form of unity ever exist ? I think not . We all must bear in mind ... That in the eyes of the anti hunting crowd , ANYONE WHO HUNTS is evil . This should be all the more motivation , for us to put our differences aside ... And stand with 1 another . Let us not condemn our brother sports men ... But rather stand with them , in solidarity .

Let me tell you all a little bit ... About how hunting restrictions and fire arms restrictions are imposed . The anti hunting / anti fire arms crowd operate by separating different groups of hunters , from 1 another ... And then , proceeding to attack them 1 by 1 . Here is an example , of how anti hunters / anti fire arms owners increasingly keep pushing for more restrictions . They go after 1 right , at a time .

Phase 1 : The antis push for a restriction on bump stocks . Virtually none of the hunting community cares enough ... To actually protest against the antis and their howling . The government bans bump stocks . No one in the hunting community actually cares , because “ I have no need for a bump stock “ .

Phase 2 : The antis push for a restriction on high capacity magazines . Most of the hunting community still do not care , because “ You do not need 30 cartridges to shoot a deer “ .The government bans high capacity magazines .

Phase 3 : The antis push for a ban on hand guns . Many members of the hunting community remain indifferent , because “ No body hunts with a hand gun , any way “ . The government bans hand guns .

Phase 4 : The antis push for a ban on semi automatic rifles and shot guns . A fair number of members in the hunting community still do not care ... Because “ Semi automatics are unsporting ! “

Phase 5 : The antis push for a ban on pump rifles and shot guns . Now , majority of the hunting community finally DO begin to care .

Variations of these phases naturally exist . For instance , when I visited Australia in 1979 to hunt Mag Pie Geese and a kangaroo ... It was legal to hunt kangaroos in Australia , with a shot gun . I took this magnificent specimen , at night ... Over torch light , with my “ Old Belgian “ .

I used an Eley Alphamax 2.75 inch “ High Brass “ AAA cartridge . 44 pellets of English AAA to the head of the brute , at a distance of 5 meters ... Folded him cleanly . Years later , when I revisited New South Wales ... I learnt that it was now legally prohibited to use shot guns , for the hunting of kangaroos . I also learnt that the after math of the tragic “ Port Arthur Massacre “ had culminated in the prohibitions on the civilian ownership of semi automatic and pump shot guns and rifles .

In Great Britain , the same crowd who pushed for a ban on fox hunting ( And succeeded, mind you ) ... Is now the crowd who is going after deer stalking and driven grouse shooting , in an attempt to have them banned . Clearly , getting fox hunting banned ... Did not appease these people , in the slightest . It merely emboldened them , and made their barking louder . And become EVEN MORE unreasonable , in their agendas and demands . Giving these retards a mere inch ... Makes them greedy for an entire mile .

So ... Why are we always proven wrong , when we assume that caving in to 1 of the demands of the antis ... Will appease them ? I believe that Harrison Ford said it best , in his excellent film “ Air Force 1 “ - “ Give a mouse a cookie ... And he shall want a glass of milk , to go with it . “

I firmly detest the idea of hunters turning the other way ... While other hunters have their rights RIPPED away from them, by governments which pander to the anti hunting crowd . It is an act of selfishness and cowardice . It might not immediately seem so ... But always remember this : If someone manages to take away 1 of our rights ... Then , there is nothing to stop them against going after all of our other rights ... As well . Regardless of any potential internal differences ... The international hunting community MUST stand together . If we intend to win this , that is .

Now , does this mean that we should tolerate all sorts of irresponsible behavior displayed by some of our fellow hunters ? Absolutely not . Irresponsible behavior should always be called out ... As it is seen . Allow me to provide a very basic example , of such behavior . On “ You Tube “ , there are countless videos of a certain African White Hunter ( Whom I shall refrain from naming , due to professional courtesy ) ... Who has a reputation for deliberately wounding Cape buffaloes and hippopotamuses , in order to provoke them in to charging towards him . They make for thrilling videos to be sure ... But ( Ignoring ethics , for a moment ) this sort of conduct is also extremely counterproductive . The objective of hunting ANY game animal ... is to dispatch it as quickly as possible ( Preferably , with the very 1st shot ) . Prolonging an animal’s suffering , just to make a more thrilling video ... Merely provides the anti hunting crowd , with more ammunition to slander the true lovers of this noble sport ... And give us a bad name .
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I’ve done my very best to raise independent, free thinkers.... while introducing them to what I know, think & like/enjoy.... not all of those things align with my wife. However, she shares the same philosophy. I am fortunate to have kids that love the outdoors, hunting. Fishing, etc.... once they “take the bait”, so to speak.... we enrich them with the knowledge & passion that we have. It’s baby steps & spoon fed. Hopefully, it takes roots. It starts with us.... and if we don’t share that, it ends with us. Statistically speaking, the odds are they won’t just happen upon it later in life.

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African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
Kind regards
Read more at the link about our 40000 acre free range kudu area we will also be posting a deal on the deals page soon!
Our predator control is going very well