AUSTRALIA: Harry Got His Deer!


AH fanatic
Dec 5, 2013
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Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Hunting reports
"Is it much further Dad?"

This was the question that my fidgety 10 year old asked me in the car. "No buddy, we're nearly there..." l replied... and we were.

It had been a long 3hr car ride and we were nearly at our favourite deer hunting spot... and we were both excited.
Harry my 10yr old son has now become my constant deer hunting companion and to watch his knowledge and eagerness grow while out with me has been one of my favourite hunting experiences.

As l said we were both excited but what wasn't quite so exciting was the weather.
It was hot. Really hot.
Today was 38 and tomorrow was going to be 34. We would be hunting the late afternoon today and early tomorrow morning so hopefully we would miss the hottest of it - but it was still going to be in the 30's. At least one good thing about this hot weather was it showed how keen Harry was to get out amongst it!

We reached our spot at around 5pm and spent the next hour setting up camp and getting ready. We dressed lightly and comfortably and as Harry was getting changed I put on my pack and got my rifle ready.
The rifle l had brought on this trip was my custom Zastava built by NT Firearms Gove. It was chambered in 425 Express which had the same ballistics as the famous 404 Jeffery and the load l was using consisted of the Aussie made 360gn Atomic29 copper hollowpoint at just under 2500fps. This gave spot on 5000ft/lbs of energy. Strong stuff indeed.
Now, l'm the first to admit that this rifle is a bit big for deer but my recently purchased .308 wasn't ready and my .243 was too small if we saw a Red Deer, so the 425 it was! I actually didn't mind as it's a superbly made rifle that is very accurate and to date it hasn't taken any game. Hopefully this trip would fix that.


At least you can't say l was undergunned...

By 6pm we were off in the bush. The area where we hunt can get quite thick in places and our plan was to stalk slowly and hopefully see them before they see us. Our main quarry was Fallow but there was always the possibility of seeing a Red - and we weren't fussy either way as we were after meat.


The area can get quite thick...

We hunted hard until dark and although we didn't see any deer, we saw a few Emu's up close, a couple of Wedge Tail Eagles and some really colourful feathers that Harry collected. We also stumbled across a shelter that someone had made. That was really cool and goes to show the things you find in the middle of nowhere...



As it was so hot we didn't light a fire so we just ate a nice light tea and we were in bed ready for the next day.
It was a hot uncomfortable night and both of us were relieved when it was morning, and after a quick breakfast we were back out in the bush.
We walked nice and slow and l was happy to see Harry watching where he walked as well as scanning for deer. After about an hour and a few false alarms with Kangaroos, we came to a clearing and a flash of light brown caught my eye.
It was a deer!
It was about 80m away and hadn't yet seen us. It was slowly walking with it's head down and soon it would be out of sight. I motioned Harry to wait where he was and l quickly walked forward so l could get a clear shot. The deer must have caught sight of me and stopped walking and looked in my direction... and this was what l was waiting for. l quickly threw the rifle to my shoulder, put the crosshairs on it's shoulder and fired.
I lost sight of the deer under recoil but memorised in my head the last place l seen it.
l motioned for Harry to come join me as we went to the area l last saw the deer. I asked Harry to look around on the ground for drops of blood as l did the same. "Dad! l see blood!" said a very excited Harry. I walked over to where Harry was, saw the blood then quickly went to where l assumed the deer would be... and couldn't find it.
You see as it was starting to really warm up l wanted to find the deer and put it on ice as soon as possible, and l made the rookie mistake of rushing. I then chastised myself for being in a rush and not doing things properly. "Harry, where's that blood again?" l asked. Harry showed me and then I could see a trail. "Do you think you can follow the blood trail and find the deer?" l asked Harry. Harry nodded and very slowly and carefully followed the blood trail. This was a good blood trail for a beginner to follow as there was quite a bit of blood and after about 50m Harry found our deer. It was a little doe and would make great eating.


Little doe that Harry tracked...

"Dad, l found the deer! I didn't just watch this time - l helped, and l found the deer!"
He was absolutely right and you could see how proud of himself he was. He wasn't the only one... l was extremely proud of him too.

Once we found the deer l had a look to see how the big 425 performed...
The 360gn Atomic 29 projectile not surprisingly passed clean through and left an exit hole the size of a 50 cent piece. I was actually amazed the deer went anywhere... but luckily l had Harry with me!

We quickly took as much meat as we could and we were off to camp to put it on ice. Harry carried the backstraps and you couldn't wipe the smile of Harry's face even though we had a bit of a walk back to camp in the heat.
Once back at camp we put the meat on ice and packed up for the drive home. Luckily a town nearby had a McDonalds so a very tired 10yr old ordered up a well deserved feast (man can kids eat!).
As soon as he was finished eating he was out for the count and didn't wake up until we were nearly home.

On the drive home as Harry slept, l reflected on the trip as l always do... and l think this was the best yet. On out first trip we got a little spiker for meat, and Harry was rapt as it was his first ever deer hunting trip and we got one.
But l think this trip topped the last one as like Harry said, he didn't just watch this time, he contributed and found the deer.
You could see how proud he was and as soon as we got home he jumped out of the car, ran inside to tell his Mum.

It was a successful, hunting trip and Harry came back excited, happy and with more knowledge than when he left... and really, that's what's it's all about.

Good job Harry, I'm proud of you little buddy.

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This is what it's all about. The whole thing, right down to the Minecraft shirt. ;)

It's incredibly fun to hunt. It's about 10 times more fun to watch your kids hunt. I've had the enormous pleasure of taking 2 of my sons to Africa, most recently my Air Force son last June. He had a perma-smile the whole time and for about a month afterwards.
Great stuff Russ. Sounds like Harry saved your Bacon tracking that Doe for you and making great memories.
I know he has been out with you a few times and it just gets better every time. He deserved that Maccas feed, he worked up a big appetite and helped with the carry out. Always appreciated.
Mate you are teaching your kids right and giving them every opportunity to learn life skills.
Well done Harry.
"Is it much further Dad?"

This was the question that my fidgety 10 year old asked me in the car. "No buddy, we're nearly there..." l replied... and we were.

It had been a long 3hr car ride and we were nearly at our favourite deer hunting spot... and we were both excited.
Harry my 10yr old son has now become my constant deer hunting companion and to watch his knowledge and eagerness grow while out with me has been one of my favourite hunting experiences.

As l said we were both excited but what wasn't quite so exciting was the weather.
It was hot. Really hot.
Today was 38 and tomorrow was going to be 34. We would be hunting the late afternoon today and early tomorrow morning so hopefully we would miss the hottest of it - but it was still going to be in the 30's. At least one good thing about this hot weather was it showed how keen Harry was to get out amongst it!

We reached our spot at around 5pm and spent the next hour setting up camp and getting ready. We dressed lightly and comfortably and as Harry was getting changed I put on my pack and got my rifle ready.
The rifle l had brought on this trip was my custom Zastava built by NT Firearms Gove. It was chambered in 425 Express which had the same ballistics as the famous 404 Jeffery and the load l was using consisted of the Aussie made 360gn Atomic29 copper hollowpoint at just under 2500fps. This gave spot on 5000ft/lbs of energy. Strong stuff indeed.
Now, l'm the first to admit that this rifle is a bit big for deer but my recently purchased .308 wasn't ready and my .243 was too small if we saw a Red Deer, so the 425 it was! I actually didn't mind as it's a superbly made rifle that is very accurate and to date it hasn't taken any game. Hopefully this trip would fix that.

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At least you can't say l was undergunned...

By 6pm we were off in the bush. The area where we hunt can get quite thick in places and our plan was to stalk slowly and hopefully see them before they see us. Our main quarry was Fallow but there was always the possibility of seeing a Red - and we weren't fussy either way as we were after meat.

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The area can get quite thick...

We hunted hard until dark and although we didn't see any deer, we saw a few Emu's up close, a couple of Wedge Tail Eagles and some really colourful feathers that Harry collected. We also stumbled across a shelter that someone had made. That was really cool and goes to show the things you find in the middle of nowhere...

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As it was so hot we didn't light a fire so we just ate a nice light tea and we were in bed ready for the next day.
It was a hot uncomfortable night and both of us were relieved when it was morning, and after a quick breakfast we were back out in the bush.
We walked nice and slow and l was happy to see Harry watching where he walked as well as scanning for deer. After about an hour and a few false alarms with Kangaroos, we came to a clearing and a flash of light brown caught my eye.
It was a deer!
It was about 80m away and hadn't yet seen us. It was slowly walking with it's head down and soon it would be out of sight. I motioned Harry to wait where he was and l quickly walked forward so l could get a clear shot. The deer must have caught sight of me and stopped walking and looked in my direction... and this was what l was waiting for. l quickly threw the rifle to my shoulder, put the crosshairs on it's shoulder and fired.
I lost sight of the deer under recoil but memorised in my head the last place l seen it.
l motioned for Harry to come join me as we went to the area l last saw the deer. I asked Harry to look around on the ground for drops of blood as l did the same. "Dad! l see blood!" said a very excited Harry. I walked over to where Harry was, saw the blood then quickly went to where l assumed the deer would be... and couldn't find it.
You see as it was starting to really warm up l wanted to find the deer and put it on ice as soon as possible, and l made the rookie mistake of rushing. I then chastised myself for being in a rush and not doing things properly. "Harry, where's that blood again?" l asked. Harry showed me and then I could see a trail. "Do you think you can follow the blood trail and find the deer?" l asked Harry. Harry nodded and very slowly and carefully followed the blood trail. This was a good blood trail for a beginner to follow as there was quite a bit of blood and after about 50m Harry found our deer. It was a little doe and would make great eating.

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Little doe that Harry tracked...

"Dad, l found the deer! I didn't just watch this time - l helped, and l found the deer!"
He was absolutely right and you could see how proud of himself he was. He wasn't the only one... l was extremely proud of him too.

Once we found the deer l had a look to see how the big 425 performed...
The 360gn Atomic 29 projectile not surprisingly passed clean through and left an exit hole the size of a 50 cent piece. I was actually amazed the deer went anywhere... but luckily l had Harry with me!

We quickly took as much meat as we could and we were off to camp to put it on ice. Harry carried the backstraps and you couldn't wipe the smile of Harry's face even though we had a bit of a walk back to camp in the heat.
Once back at camp we put the meat on ice and packed up for the drive home. Luckily a town nearby had a McDonalds so a very tired 10yr old ordered up a well deserved feast (man can kids eat!).
As soon as he was finished eating he was out for the count and didn't wake up until we were nearly home.

On the drive home as Harry slept, l reflected on the trip as l always do... and l think this was the best yet. On out first trip we got a little spiker for meat, and Harry was rapt as it was his first ever deer hunting trip and we got one.
But l think this trip topped the last one as like Harry said, he didn't just watch this time, he contributed and found the deer.
You could see how proud he was and as soon as we got home he jumped out of the car, ran inside to tell his Mum.

It was a successful, hunting trip and Harry came back excited, happy and with more knowledge than when he left... and really, that's what's it's all about.

Good job Harry, I'm proud of you little buddy.

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Congratulations mate. Harry is turning into a great little hunter. Being the type of person you is you could have gutted that little deer and carried it out whole.
Hunting with kids is great fun. You get a great buzz out of passing in your knowledge to them. The hunt becomes about them not you and the joy you get just can't be out into words.

The greatest gift I ever got from my son was to be with him when he shot his first African animal. A beautiful Springbok and on father's day to top it off. A prouder and happier father you wouldn't have found that day

Well done mate, keep enjoying those hunts it won't be long before he is hopefully doing the same with your grandchildren. Time passes quickly so savour every moment with your family.
No such thing as to much gun. That 425 if yours is a pussycat to shoot.
When you get your 308 load up some nice 150gn flat noses designed for the 30-30 to moderate velocity so Harry can handle it (about the same recoil as the 243). That load will perform well in fallow and red and as he grows you can change the projectile and speed up to make it even more versatile. Load up some nice 150gn Atomic 29s to 2,900 fps and he will be fine for anything up to and including sambar when he gets a bit older.
The 308 is a fantastic round, my son has been using his since he was a bit over 13 and then he wasn't a big boy just a little tacker built like a bean pole. Harry will fall in love with the 08 and you will have trouble getting it off him so you can use it.
Keep up the good work Russ and happy hunting my friend.
Congratulations mate. Harry is turning into a great little hunter. Being the type of person you is you could have gutted that little deer and carried it out whole.
Hunting with kids is great fun. You get a great buzz out of passing in your knowledge to them. The hunt becomes about them not you and the joy you get just can't be out into words.

The greatest gift I ever got from my son was to be with him when he shot his first African animal. A beautiful Springbok and on father's day to top it off. A prouder and happier father you wouldn't have found that day

Well done mate, keep enjoying those hunts it won't be long before he is hopefully doing the same with your grandchildren. Time passes quickly so savour every moment with your family.
No such thing as to much gun. That 425 if yours is a pussycat to shoot.
When you get your 308 load up some nice 150gn flat noses designed for the 30-30 to moderate velocity so Harry can handle it (about the same recoil as the 243). That load will perform well in fallow and red and as he grows you can change the projectile and speed up to make it even more versatile. Load up some nice 150gn Atomic 29s to 2,900 fps and he will be fine for anything up to and including sambar when he gets a bit older.
The 308 is a fantastic round, my son has been using his since he was a bit over 13 and then he wasn't a big boy just a little tacker built like a bean pole. Harry will fall in love with the 08 and you will have trouble getting it off him so you can use it.
Keep up the good work Russ and happy hunting my friend.

Thank you for the kind words Bob.

I have a real soft spot for the .308 having taken my first ever deer with one..

You know, I thought l had the perfect deer rifle in my Weatherby Vanguard in .300 Winchester Magnum...
It had the super fancy deluxe walnut stock, was accurate, powerful, flat shooting and was beautiful to look at.
But then on my last hunt l had to carry it all day in the Australian bush in over 100 degree weather...
The rifle with 4-16 scope weighed over 4kg and it occurred to me it was just too heavy for the hunting l do.
And it was needlessly powerful as well.
One of the reasons l got it was in case that long shot presented itself, then it dawned on me that in all my life l have only taken 1 deer at over 300m... the rest have been 100m or under.
So do l really need a .300 Winchester Magnum for deer?
And lastly - and this is just a me thing, l hate scratching rifles. Scratching a rifle to me is like scratching my car, l can't stand it.
And this beautiful walnut deluxe stock was just too fancy for me...

So l sold it and bought the plainest, no-frills, .308 Winchester with plastic stock.
It weighs spot on 3kg with 3-9 scope and shoots the 150gn Sako Gamehead and Remington 180gn Core lokt to the same point of aim.
The 150's will be used for Fallow and the 180's will be used for Sambar (when I'm not using my 425 Express...)

The .308 l bought is a Marlin XS7 and it is the most unremarkable rifle l have ever owned... and l love it.

All that's left now is to get some dies for it so l can load up some 125gn Sierra Pro-Hunter projectiles at around 2600fps so Harry can use it on Fallow deer when he's old enough...
These should prove to be a nice low-recoiling - but effective close to medium range small deer load.

Yes Bob... l love the .308 too.

Let's try and organise a catch up soon mate (y)

Thank you for the kind words Bob.

I have a real soft spot for the .308 having taken my first ever deer with one..

You know, I thought l had the perfect deer rifle in my Weatherby Vanguard in .300 Winchester Magnum...
It had the super fancy deluxe walnut stock, was accurate, powerful, flat shooting and was beautiful to look at.
But then on my last hunt l had to carry it all day in the Australian bush in over 100 degree weather...
The rifle with 4-16 scope weighed over 4kg and it occurred to me it was just too heavy for the hunting l do.
And it was needlessly powerful as well.
One of the reasons l got it was in case that long shot presented itself, then it dawned on me that in all my life l have only taken 1 deer at over 300m... the rest have been 100m or under.
So do l really need a .300 Winchester Magnum for deer?
And lastly - and this is just a me thing, l hate scratching rifles. Scratching a rifle to me is like scratching my car, l can't stand it.
And this beautiful walnut deluxe stock was just too fancy for me...

So l sold it and bought the plainest, no-frills, .308 Winchester with plastic stock.
It weighs spot on 3kg with 3-9 scope and shoots the 150gn Sako Gamehead and Remington 180gn Core lokt to the same point of aim.
The 150's will be used for Fallow and the 180's will be used for Sambar (when I'm not using my 425 Express...)

The .308 l bought is a Marlin XS7 and it is the most unremarkable rifle l have ever owned... and l love it.

All that's left now is to get some dies for it so l can load up some 125gn Sierra Pro-Hunter projectiles at around 2600fps so Harry can use it on Fallow deer when he's old enough...
These should prove to be a nice low-recoiling - but effective close to medium range small deer load.

Yes Bob... l love the .308 too.

Let's try and organise a catch up soon mate (y)

Those 150gn flat points are devastation on pigs and fallow deer with very light recoil.
One of the best around bullets I've used in the 308 is the 150gn SST. Great penetration and good expansion.
The markin is a very underrated rifle. It utilised the best bits from other makers like the Savage barrel nut, Remington and Winchester as well.
Nick Harvey did a review on one a while back and was amazed at how accurate it was.
I had a mate similar to you that loved hunting. He went the full gamet from the 308, 7mm mag and then a lot of different cals including the 338 and the 300-378 Weatherby. After all that he could figure out why why he did all that and went back to a Weatherby vanguard 308. Said it does everything he wants and drops sambar just as dead as the big guns.
Would be great to catch up again but just don't seem to have time lately.
Trip around Australia last year for 3 months of prime hunting time. This year planning in the USA, Ireland, Scotland,England then Italy and home.
Unfortunately my son is busy with work, uni and his girlfriend but he may get away for a hunt with me hopefully.
Badboymelvin, I've had the pleasure of hunting with my two sons for 46 years. Together we hunted with my older grandsons for 14 years. My youngest grandson is now 14 and he has been hunting with us since he was 5. I had a 6.5 X 55 Swedish Mauser cut down to become what I call the "grandkid's gun." Five years ago, the youngest grandson used that rifle to take his first deer. Last Summer we went to Africa where he took his complete package of 7 PG animals with a 300 Win Mag that he appropriated from my safe. Take it from an old grandpa that your lifetime of outdoor fun is just beginning. Savor every moment of it.

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Ferhipo wrote on Bowhuntr64's profile.
I am really fan of you
Bighorn191 wrote on Mtn_Infantry's profile.
Booked with Harold Grinde - Gana River - they sure kill some good ones - who'd you get set up with?
85lc wrote on wvfred's profile.
If youhave not sold your 11.2x72 Schuler, I will take it.
Just PM me.
Roy Beeson
HI all, here is a Short update on our America trip, I currently in Houston and have 2 more meetings here before movings North toward Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa, and from there I will head to Colorado and Idaho,I have been met with great hospitality and friendship, and have met several new and old clients and we are going to book the rest of 2025 season quick and have several dates booked for 2026!