A Shikari, A Pack Of Hounds & One Very, Very Angry Leopard

Major Khan

AH legend
Dec 3, 2019
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Tonight , on African Hunting Forums ...
I shall be narrating the story of another adrenaline pumping incident in my good friend and fellow former professional shikaree , Riaz Sharrif 's career .
Riaz , the author of " Ekti Shikaree Er Jibon Er Obhiggota " ( " The Life Experiences Of A Professional Shikaree " ) was kind enough to provide me with an English translation of Chapter 8 of his book , yesterday .
It revolves around the time when Riaz had to protect a client from a wounded forest panther ... by using a pack of Alsatian dogs , in order to keep the enraged brute at bay . This is the story ... Which I shall be narrating on African Hunting Forums , tonight .
Let us begin , Dear Readers .

Below is a photograph kindly provided to me by Riaz of a wounded forest panther ... Which he had to dispatch , during another shikar . The photograph of the brute , featuring in this particular story ... Shall be provided , at the climax of this 3 part article .
By Riaz Sharrif


“ It was the December month of 1965 . I had just finished guiding a Spanish client on an extremely successful Sun Bear Shikar ... and the gentleman had tipped me generously . My beautiful girlfriend ( and eventual wife ) , Melina had come to Nagpur to do some shopping and we decided to leave back to our home in ( what was then known as ) East Pakistan two days later . Melina wanted to purchase some green silk for a new evening gown and I ( knowing Nagpur more intimately than she did ) decided to spend some time with her ... showing her all of the finest markets in Nagpur .

We had a lovely time , touring the market places and feasting on local Indian street food ... such as mutton Kathi rolls and Nagpur’s famous orange juice . I purchased Melina a few bolts of pure green silk for her gown . When we temporarily returned to our hotel room in the afternoon ... to leave our shopping behind , the telephone in my hotel room began to ring . I answered it . It was Mr. Rao Naidu - Allwyn Cooper Limited’s head professional Shikari ... and my superior . Mr. Naidu asked if I was free , because there was an emergency which needed to be taken care of . I nervously asked Mr. Naidu what the emergency was ... Hoping that it was not a wounded dangerous game animal , which needed to be taken care of .

It was exactly what I had feared it to be . Mr . Naidu told me that our fellow professional shikaree , Mr. Loha Singh was guiding a German client on a Shikar for a Hunting Leopard . The client had wounded the animal ... which had retreated in to the long grass . Loha had requested for reinforcements in order to spoor the wounded Hunting Leopard . Mr. Naidu asked me if I could immediately head to Allwyn Cooper Limited’s head office and meet up with Loha . He wanted me to aid Loha in spooring the wounded Hunting Leopard . I told Mr. Naidu that I was on my way and cut the line .

Now, I faced a dilemma . On one hand , Loha was an extremely close friend of mine . I genuinely loved the man like a surrogate father . Not only did we guide clients on Shikars together , and even hunt together on our own personal time ... but Melina and I were both close to Loha’s entire family . We would frequently celebrate Diwali ( An entertaining Hindu festival , involving fireworks and firecrackers ) at Loha’s household with his children ( who used to be our age ) . Loha would also bring expensive presents to my Tea Estate , during Eid ( our Muslim day of celebration ) . I could simply not let Loha risk spooring that wounded Hunting Leopard , all by himself . Friendship does not work that way .

On the other hand , I had promised Melina to spend the entire day with her . She was always extremely understanding and often used to compromise spending time with me , on account of my occupation as a professional Shikari . How could I bring myself to tell her ... that I had to set off , in pursuit of a wounded dangerous game animal once again ? I had promised to spend these last two days in Nagpur , with her .

I hesitantly told Melina what had occurred . Melina took the news with the exact kind of selfless maturity ... which I had come to expect from her . She immediately ushered me to go and assist Loha , at once . She said that I had a duty towards my friend and jokingly told me that if I sustained any injuries from the wounded Hunting Leopard ... then she would shoot me , herself . She also cheerfully told me that the sooner I took care of the wounded Hunting Leopard ... the sooner I could be free for the rest of the week . And that we still had one more day in Nagpur , for her to do all of her sight seeing . At any rate , she was extremely content with the bolts of pure green silk ... which I had purchased for her .

I hurriedly retrieved my William Wellington Greener 12 Bore Side By Side Shotgun ( Which I had stored in our hotel room’s closet ) and a 25 piece box of Eley Alphamax LG cartridges ( each of which contained eight .36 caliber lead slugs inside ) .
Then , I rushed out of the hotel to meet with Loha . “


My William Wellington Greener 12 Bore Side By Side Shotgun

Eley Alphamax LG Cartridges ( 25 Piece Box )
By Riaz Sharrif


“ I met Loha in the head office of Allwyn Cooper Limited , as soon as I possibly could .
Loha explained to me what had happened . Loha was guiding a German client on a Shikar for a Hunting Leopard in the outskirts of Nagpur ... early in the morning . The Client was armed with a 8x57mm IRS caliber over under Double Rifle made by Frantz Sodia of Austria . The rifle was loaded with German RWS 198 grain soft nosed cartridges.

The client had taken two shots at the Hunting Leopard and was reloading the rifle ... in order to give the animal a third shot . However , when reloading the Double Rifle ... the weapon’s automatic safety had re-engaged , and the gentleman was forced to fumble with rifle’s safety for a couple of vital seconds . Thus , the client was not able to get off a shot fast enough to prevent the wounded Hunting Leopard from escaping into the long grass .

Loha had hired a group of beaters to start converging towards the centre of the patch of forested area ... Where the wounded Hunting Leopard had retreated . Loha and I were to reach the centre of the forest , as soon as possible . I understood what had to be done .

Loha readied his Indian Ordinance Factories .315 caliber bolt action rifle . He loaded five 244 grain soft nosed cartridges into the magazine of the rifle . He put ten more cartridges into the breast pocket of his half sleeve silk shirt ... while I loaded my William Wellington Greener 12 Bore Side By Side Shotgun , with two Eley Alphamax LG cartridges and stuffed 12 more LG cartridges into the pockets of my Shikar vest . We , then set off in Loha’s Land Rover Series One car to the outskirts of Nagpur ... intent on reaching the centre of the forested area , where the beaters would be converging in a few hours . With us , were ten coolies ... who were all armed with long spears . These spears were made of bamboo shafts and had long barbed blades , made of the iron taken from rail road tracks . We also had six Alsatian Dogs with us . All of these dogs were exceptionally well trained and loyal to a fault .

We arrived at the centre of the area , where the beaters were supposed to converge .
They had the area surrounded by establishing a parameter , of a three mile radius ... and were completely ready by the time , we had arrived . Loha raised his Indian Ordinance Factories .315 caliber bolt action rifle to his shoulder and fired a shot into the air . This was the signal for the beaters to commence the beat . And thus ... the beat had begun .

Loha and I cautiously waited , alongside the ten coolies and our six Alsatian Dogs .
While waiting , Loha and I began to mumble about how one automatic safety on a Double Rifle had ruined both of our days . Loha was intending to end the Shikar early , and then spend the rest of the day with his children ... at a local fair . I was intending to spend the day with Melina . And both of our plans had gotten ruined ... all because of the automatic safety on the German client’s Double Rifle .

But what to do ? Back in those days , virtually all German and Austrian gunmakers would install automatic safeties on their Double Rifles and Combination Guns by default ... unless otherwise specified . English Doubles Rifles and Belgian Double Rifles and Combination Guns , on the other hand ... would usually install manual safeties on their wares , which were much more preferable to automatic safeties when selecting a Double Rifle or a Combination Gun for the Shikar of Dangerous Game .

We waited cautiously, as the sounds of the beaters got louder and louder . The beaters were drawing close to us . We had seen countless Chinkara sprint , right past our direction ... having been flushed out by the beaters . This was a tell tale sign that the wounded Hunting Leopard would be closing in , on us very soon . For it is conventional wisdom that Herbivores always get flushed out , during a beat ... before the Carnivora does . Loha and I were both extremely vigilant . The coolies were nervously looking , left & right .

Suddenly the Alsatian Dogs began to bark savagely . We already knew , all too well ... what they were barking at . The Hunting Leopard was somewhere nearby . Loha stared at the direction , which the Alsatian Dogs were barking at . And then , for a split second .... we saw it . A pair of red blood shot eyes were staring at us ... from within the bushes . We heard a low feral snarl . And that was that .

The wounded Hunting Leopard hurled itself out of the bushes and charged at us . Loha snapped up his Indian Ordinance Factories .315 caliber bolt action rifle to his shoulder ... and fired off a shot . The 244 grain soft nosed bullet hit the charging animal in the base of the chest , causing the Hunting Leopard to somersault on the ground ... only to instantly regain it’s footing . The coolies immediately had the enraged animal surrounded ... and had their spears trained upon it . This essentially prevented the Hunting Leopard from escaping ... without getting itself impaled on the spears . I raised my William Wellington Greener 12 Bore Side By Side Shotgun to my shoulder and wasted no time in discharging the contents of the left barrel into the head of the Hunting Leopard ... at a range of only nine feet . Those eight .36 caliber LG slugs slammed hard into the Hunting Leopard’s head ... with enough force to knock the determined animal , right off it’s feet . It stay down for maybe two seconds ... before getting ready to make a second attempt at charging me . I quickly pulled the right trigger of my shotgun , which roared .... as the eight LG slugs collided loudly with the head of the Hunting Leopard , knocking it down a second time . The animal’s face was now almost completely covered in blood ... as it slowly ( but painfully ) began to rise up to its feet once more . At that moment ... Loha frantically , but cleverly used the sheep’s foot blade of his Sheffield Navy Pocket Knife ... to slash through the nylon cords which were connecting the leashes of all of the six Alsatian Dogs to the trunk of a tree . This proved to be our saving grace .

If a Hunting Leopard crosses paths with a single Alsatian Dog ... then , the Hunting Leopard always mangles the Alsatian Dog to death ... on the spot , before eating it . However , if you unleash a pack of Alsatian Dogs on a Hunting Leopard ... then , the Hunting Leopard will frantically attempt to get away from the Alsatian Dogs ... by any means necessary . This was exactly what had happened that day .

The Hunting Leopard’s mood suddenly shifted ... from “ fight mode “ to “ flight mode “ . I frantically flicked the top lever of my shotgun and got the breech open ... which caused the two spent Eley Alphamax LG cartridges to fly out of the chambers , and plummet onto the ground . I slammed two fresh Eley Alphamax LG cartridges ( which I had been keeping , between my fingers ) into the chambers of my shotgun ... before snapping the breech shut . I raised the shotgun to my shoulder once more ... Hellbent upon finishing off this Hunting Leopard , by any means necessary . The animal was desperately attempting to struggle with the Alsatian Dogs ... when it suddenly ( and miraculously ) dropped to the ground ; dead .

Both Loha and I could not believe our eyes . Was this troublesome animal finally dead ? “


Circular Positions Taken To Put Down Wounded Hunting Leopard During Shikar

Coolie & I Examining Dead Hunting Leopard

Loha’s Indian Ordinance Factories .315 Caliber Bolt Action Rifle
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By Riaz Sharrif


“ The Hunting Leopard measured eight feet and two inches from the tip of it’s nose to the end of it’s tail . It was a fully grown trophy male , weighing 212 pounds .
Upon flaying the skin and butchering the animal , we discovered that he had been shot five times . He had been shot twice with Loha’s German client’s 8x57mm IRS caliber Double Rifle . The two 198 grain soft nosed bullets had punctured one lung of the animal and had also punctured it’s stomach . The 244 grain soft nosed bullet , fired from Loha’s Indian Ordinance Factories .315 caliber bolt action rifle had lodged inside the chest muscles of the Hunting Leopard ... without being able to penetrate into the animal’s chest cavity . The two charges of LG slugs which I had fired into the Hunting Leopard’ head , at point blank range ... were certainly pitiful in their effort to reach the great cat’s brain . As soon as the Hunting Leopard was flayed ... ten lead .36 caliber LG slugs had dropped on to the ground. They had all flattened against the hard skull of the Hunting Leopard ... without being capable of doing anything more to the animal , other than cracking and denting the skull at a few different places . Only one LG slug had managed to sever the Hunting Leopard’s carotid artery . This was what had lead to the resilient Hunting Leopard’s demise . He had passed away from blood loss ... while attempting to struggle with the six Alsatian Dogs .

Loha and I simply could not believe our good fortune . Out of the two charges of 16 LG slugs which I had fired at the Hunting Leopard ... only one had managed to sever the animal’s carotid artery . We were all saved by one LG slug , which had fortunately found a vital area of the Hunting Leopard .

Loha’s German client tipped him a considerable sum of money ... for successfully managing to recover his wounded Hunting Leopard . Loha immediately shared half of his tips with me , even though I did not ask for any .I attempted to tell Loha that he deserved all of the tips ... because he was the one who had unleashed the Alsatian Dogs upon the charging Hunting Leopard. However , Loha insisted that this was a team effort ... because it was an Eley Alphamax LG cartridge fired from my William Wellington Greener 12 Bore Side By Side Shotgun , which had finally caused the terrifying animal’s death . I finally graciously accepted the share of the tips .

Later that night , I would relate the entire incident of this heart pumping Shikar to Melina . I had taken her to “ Moon Disco “ that evening ... which used to be an extremely popular disco in Nagpur , back in those days . Just like she always has been doing , whenever I return from a Shikar ( ever since the day I had first met her ) ... Melina asked me countless questions about the Shikar with great enthusiasm . And I loved answering her questions . She asked me how beats were conducted ... and I spent the better portion of the night explaining it , to her . I then asked her if she would like to hunt a Kakar Deer via beat for her birthday ( which was two months away ) . She got extremely excited and I smiled ... relieved that I knew exactly what to do for her , during her birthday . My relief was quickly cut short ... because her immediate next question was , “ Darling , Instead of a Kakar Deer ... can it be a Bear ? “ I nervously asked her if she wanted to hunt an Asian Sloth Bear , or a Sun Bear ( hoping that she would choose the latter ) . To my horror ... she said , “ Asian Sloth Bear “ . I would eventually find out during the Asian Sloth Bear Shikar ... that I had no reason to be worried . However , that is the story for another day . “



The Hunting Leopard Which Ruined A Holiday
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What a story! What a story!
Thank you Major, for sharing this with us, now I know why I was so eagerly waiting since yesterdays prologue, to read the rest!!!

To me it is surprise for very good caliber of clients 8x57JRS, to fail in this case, unless it was less accurate shots, depending of angle.
What a story! What a story!
Thank you Major, for sharing this with us, now I know why I was so eagerly waiting since yesterdays prologue, to read the rest!!!

To me it is surprise for very good caliber of clients 8x57JRS, to fail in this case, unless it was less accurate shots, depending of angle.
Why thank you so much , Mark Hunter . I have sent Riaz a text message asking about what had actually happened on that Shikar . As soon as he replies ... I shall post his response here .
This is the first time I’ve read of using dogs to recover a leopard. Was it a common practice? Great story by the way.
Why thank you so much , Master Smith . It is my utmost privilege that you have enjoyed Riaz's reminiscences so much .
To answer your question .... Yes . Pure breed German shepherd dogs or Alsatian dogs were often used for hunting panthers ... back in those days .
Riaz describes the process with 100 % accuracy . If you send 1 dog to go contend with a large forest panther ... Then , the brute shall make the dog his next supper . However , should you sic an entire pack of hounds after a forest panther ... Then , it shall attempt to take flight , then & there .
Thanks Poton for relating this story to us. Thank you Riaz for writing it originally. Riaz, one more observation if you please. Regarding Melina, you must have known from her deciding to hunt the Asian Sloth Bear that she indeed was a "keeper." :rolleyes::rolleyes: Her other attributes were just icing on the cake. There is no doubt in my mind that she was the perfect woman for you.
What a story! What a story!
Thank you Major, for sharing this with us, now I know why I was so eagerly waiting since yesterdays prologue, to read the rest!!!

To me it is surprise for very good caliber of clients 8x57JRS, to fail in this case, unless it was less accurate shots, depending of angle.
Riaz has just responded , Mark Hunter .
Dear Major Khan, many thanks for you efforts to follow up on my comment! Much appreciated!

It looks like that my educated guess proved correct!
Thanks Poton for relating this story to us. Thank you Riaz for writing it originally. Riaz, one more observation if you please. Regarding Melina, you must have known from her deciding to hunt the Asian Sloth Bear that she indeed was a "keeper." :rolleyes::rolleyes: Her other attributes were just icing on the cake. There is no doubt in my mind that she was the perfect woman for you.
Why thank you so much for your kind words , Shootist43 . Yes , Riaz and Melina are a match made in Heaven . She would also go on to brain shoot Bengal Bush Boars with a .22 Long Rifle calibre BRNO bolt rifle on a fairly regular basis . She once successfully dispatched 5 in a single night .
Another great article, much appreciated!
By Riaz Sharrif


“ The Hunting Leopard measured eight feet and two inches from the tip of it’s nose to the end of it’s tail . It was a fully grown trophy male , weighing 212 pounds .
Upon flaying the skin and butchering the animal , we discovered that he had been shot five times . He had been shot twice with Loha’s German client’s 8x57mm IRS caliber Double Rifle . The two 198 grain soft nosed bullets had punctured one lung of the animal and had also punctured it’s stomach . The 244 grain soft nosed bullet , fired from Loha’s Indian Ordinance Factories .315 caliber bolt action rifle had lodged inside the chest muscles of the Hunting Leopard ... without being able to penetrate into the animal’s chest cavity . The two charges of LG slugs which I had fired into the Hunting Leopard’ head , at point blank range ... were certainly pitiful in their effort to reach the great cat’s brain . As soon as the Hunting Leopard was flayed ... ten lead .36 caliber LG slugs had dropped on to the ground. They had all flattened against the hard skull of the Hunting Leopard ... without being capable of doing anything more to the animal , other than cracking and denting the skull at a few different places . Only one LG slug had managed to sever the Hunting Leopard’s carotid artery . This was what had lead to the resilient Hunting Leopard’s demise . He had passed away from blood loss ... while attempting to struggle with the six Alsatian Dogs .

Loha and I simply could not believe our good fortune . Out of the two charges of 16 LG slugs which I had fired at the Hunting Leopard ... only one had managed to sever the animal’s carotid artery . We were all saved by one LG slug , which had fortunately found a vital area of the Hunting Leopard .

Loha’s German client tipped him a considerable sum of money ... for successfully managing to recover his wounded Hunting Leopard . Loha immediately shared half of his tips with me , even though I did not ask for any .I attempted to tell Loha that he deserved all of the tips ... because he was the one who had unleashed the Alsatian Dogs upon the charging Hunting Leopard. However , Loha insisted that this was a team effort ... because it was an Eley Alphamax LG cartridge fired from my William Wellington Greener 12 Bore Side By Side Shotgun , which had finally caused the terrifying animal’s death . I finally graciously accepted the share of the tips .

Later that night , I would relate the entire incident of this heart pumping Shikar to Melina . I had taken her to “ Moon Disco “ that evening ... which used to be an extremely popular disco in Nagpur , back in those days . Just like she always has been doing , whenever I return from a Shikar ( ever since the day I had first met her ) ... Melina asked me countless questions about the Shikar with great enthusiasm . And I loved answering her questions . She asked me how beats were conducted ... and I spent the better portion of the night explaining it , to her . I then asked her if she would like to hunt a Kakar Deer via beat for her birthday ( which was two months away ) . She got extremely excited and I smiled ... relieved that I knew exactly what to do for her , during her birthday . My relief was quickly cut short ... because her immediate next question was , “ Darling , Instead of a Kakar Deer ... can it be a Bear ? “ I nervously asked her if she wanted to hunt an Asian Sloth Bear , or a Sun Bear ( hoping that she would choose the latter ) . To my horror ... she said , “ Asian Sloth Bear “ . I would eventually find out during the Asian Sloth Bear Shikar ... that I had no reason to be worried . However , that is the story for another day . “


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The Hunting Leopard Which Ruined A Holiday
My dear friend Ponton
You have done it to me again my friend. Kept me waiting 3 days to find the conclusion to your marvelous story. The suspense you left me in each day was positively agonizing. It added so much more to the story making us want more.
Riaz if fortunate Melina didn't want to hunt hunting leopard for her birthday.
Keep writing my friend you are truly gifted and Riazs stories are enthralling.
When are we going to read about beating the leopard with the rifle my friend.
Keep safe and well my dear friend
Your humble reader and friend

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FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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