C.W. Richter

White-tailed Deer Hunt USA

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Reactions: John Camp
Nice buck. Is that Texas?
Yes, on some billionaire's huge ranch in the brush country not too far from Mex. They pride themselves on no high fences ("puro pinche low fence" is featured throughout.) It's just a 135" cull deer-i typ go down after the holidays to help w/ their mgmt. plan. I saw much larger (but younger) deer I wasn't allowed to go after! This one is 6.5 y/o but fell short of their goals... it won't let me post a pic in this reply, but I'll try to post another above...
Yes, on some billionaire's huge ranch in the brush country not too far from Mex. They pride themselves on no high fences ("puro pinche low fence" is featured throughout.) It's just a 135" cull deer-i typ go down after the holidays to help w/ their mgmt. plan. I saw much larger (but younger) deer I wasn't allowed to go after! This one is 6.5 y/o but fell short of their goals... it won't let me post a pic in this reply, but I'll try to post another above...
I hunted Wheeler county up near Oklahoma last year, it looks like the same sort of terrain. I notice the deer down there have smaller bodies and brow tines are short too. It was in December and the really big ones we were after and had photos of, their racks were all damaged. Me and my buddy, markm on these forums, both got deer but I got bigger ones in PA. Anyway, always fun to hunt another state and be successful.
Best, Dale
i wasn't able to post pics of the larger deer in follow-up posts. perhaps Ah can work on that? lol
*i'm afraid to use the term "cathartic," as they'll dial me back to amateur. lol

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