Hunt Asiatic Water Buffalo in Australia

  • Media owner TOBY458
  • Date added
Thought it would be interesting to see who all is/has been using a 375 of some sort to shoot their buffalo. Let's see the pictures, and give details of the loads and bullets used. How many shots it took, and how far the buffalo went after being hit. Recovered bullets are a plus as well! So, here we go.

These were all taken with a Sako Kodiak 375 H&H with Barnes 300 Gr TSX bullets. None of the bulls made it out of sight once the first shot was fired. I shot all 3 bulls with 4 rounds each. None really needed the follow up shots, but I had a full magazine and you pay the same price for the buffalo no matter how many time you shoot him!
The loads were around 2450 fps from the 21" barrel of the Sako Kodiak.
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