
Harry Manners with a 95-pounder-Limpopo, Mozambique

Harry Manners giving a toast after his client successfully harvested a 95-pounder, drinking 'Impala Beer'-Limpopo, Mozambique
If I remember correctly (and please correct me if I am wrong) Harry Manners main big game rifle was a Winchester Model 70 in 375H&H.
If this is correct, he has shown what the cartridge can do in the hands of a skilled hunter, and this most probably would have been without the premium high-tech bullets we have available today and most probably with a (shock, horror o_O) push feed version of the Model 70.
Of course, these are my assumptions based on the bits and pieces that I have read along the way and if someone has more accurate detail, I would love to hear the story of Mr. Manners and his achievements in the African bush, in a time without the luxuries and support that modern safaris enjoy today.

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