Red Leg

Galand sidelock ejector

  • Media owner Red Leg
  • Date added
This is a beautiful Belgian piece. I was looking at internet today .
A close friend here owns a 12 bore side by side shot-gun made by the firm , Masquelier which he had purchased shortly after our liberation war from foreign country . I was under the misconception for many years that this fine shot-gun was made by a French firm. Today , after reading your post , l was searching internet in a random manner to read about Belgian shot-guns and l see , much to my surprise that Masquelier is actually a Belgian firm . It is a very strong gun , capable of firing German slug type bullets which the owner uses for Sambhar deers here .
Yes. Masquelier is another small Belgian maker that has produced many wonderful guns.

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Weapon & Ammunition
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Red Leg
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