
Cogswell & Harrison scope bases & mounts

  • Media owner PeteG
  • Date added
Break out your thinking caps chaps...

My dad recently bought a Cogswell & Harrison 458WM on which he would like to mount a red dot scope.
The scope is an older 30mm tube and has rings, but I am open to buying him new rings if needed
The question is what kind of bases, or bases and rings do I buy for him.

Heading to a gunsmith is not an option due to where we are.

I am flying down to RSA this week and I can have a look down there, but before I do, I thought best to see what the vast knowledge base on here has to say.

At some stage, the previous owner marked the receiver for what I assume were scope bases, unfortunately the markings are a few mm off center.

I have attached a few pics of the action here, let me know if anyone has any ideas and options that I can look at.
I used the vernier to try get an idea of the dimensions in case anyone was curious.
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