Black Rhinoceros Horns

Black Rhinoceros Horns

African Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), circa 1925, anterior and posterior horns, on original shield, the anterior horn with inscription B.R.8 12.10.25, anterior horn longest curve 59cm, posterior horn longest length 32cm, posterior horn girth 43cm. This set of Black Rhinoceros horns were brought back by the vendor's grandfather, who was a district officer/administrator during British Rule, stationed in Bukoba,Tanganyika after Germany lost control of the region following World War One. In 1925 a rogue rhino was causing havoc in the area around Karawi on the banks of Lake Victoria, and a guest of the vendor's grandfather was dispatched to shoot the beast. The hunter kept the feet as a souvenir, and the horns (which were inscribed with the date it was shot) were kept by the Official.
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