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  1. F

    What was your first hunt like?

    Hey guys! Just thought it would be interesting to hear where everybody started with their passion that is hunting. Mine started when I was 8 my dad bought me a windbuks "air rifle", everyday after school I would go out and shoot birds and come back just before dinner time. I started "real"...
  2. F

    Hunting Officially Banned in Botswana from 2013

    Hi Ill take that as confirmation. So basicly 2017 will be the end of Botswana hunting "in the concessions" .... So no more buffalo ..since the foot and mouth thing is taken very seriously, so thats a no go on private land. Basically your looking at kalahari plains game from there on with...
  3. F

    Hunting Officially Banned in Botswana from 2013

    Hi Sorry to bring up this topic again. But does anybody know now for sure that it is "official"? Honestly this just doesnt make any sense.