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38" Dagga Boy

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38" Dagga Boy

If this knarly old bull ain't a dagga boy, I don't know what is... Took us four solid days to get him in the Hwange Park region of Zim.

The lions had hundreds of buff surrounded and herded for the entire time I was there, trackers managed to shag out 3 of the old boys and I took the biggest one with the .375, 300 gr. Barnes just as he looked up at me in that special sort of way.

One tracker came running to get me to shoot him, said he and his partner were afraid of getting charged if they irritated him any more. One was the same tracker that tracked the Livingston eland and waterbuck down for me the week before we lit out after the buff, so I had gotten to read him pretty well and knew when he said to come running he meant it.

peter-with-a-fine-old-blue-wildebeest.jpg klip-walla.jpg buff12.jpg livingston-eland.jpg crocvillage.jpg
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