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Maneater Lioness

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Maneater Lioness

Maneater Lioness
Luangwa Valley, Nyampala GMA, Zambia 2005

This is the hut in a village not too far from the hunting camp where an old lioness broke into and killed and ate an elderly women there. You can see the damage around the door where the lioness broke in, and there were blood stains outside the door where the woman was eaten. Chris who was the camp manager sat up a couple of times for it, but the villagers wouldn't stay in their huts at night as they were more interested in a beer drink they had organised to last a few days, so Chris gave up.

The lioness returned and broke into another hut which happened to be the game scouts. It attacked his wife and then started on the game scout who managed to grab his AK as it was chewing on his leg and shot it in the head.

In the photos of the skull the skinner is showing with his finger where the bullet entered. The game scout and his wife were ok after treatment, but I am guessing the experience left a lasting impression!!!!!!!! This occurred not long before I arrived with people I had hunting there, and it had them thinking at night...

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