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Eland Jag

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Eland Jag

After five years I finally got my eland trophy.

My friend and I with the wife and kids left for omaruru on Wednesday after work. The outfitter we were going to has two farms. The one where the lodge is is more for bow hunting and the other farm 50km away is rifle hunting.

We left the lodge at 6am the Thursday and arrived at the other farm just before 7am. Twenty minutes later we spotted the first group of eland. We stalked closer only to find it was a bunch of cows and young ones. We saw a lot of other game. Just after 8am we spotted a big batcher group of eland. They were grazing about 700m away. The wind was perfect for the stalk. We were 150m away when we saw the movement in the thick bush. Our guide spotted the big bull right in front of us. The bush was too thick to get a shot. We went down on our hands and knees. My .375 do not have a sling attached to it, this made it a bit more difficult. At 40m we spotted a small opening through the bush and I could see a part of the shoulder. I took the shot. Suddenly there were eland all around us. My bull came running past me and dropped 30m further. We walked closer and it got up again, walking away slowly. He was standing 30m away and I took a quartering away shot. The bull went down 5m further
and stayed down. When I saw this old bull lying there I could not believe that after five years of searching for an eland trophy everything happened just as I hoped.

I am leaving for South African on the 8th of July, for a bush buck and nyala hunt. Maybe this is my lucky year.

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