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Waterbuck East Cape, SA 2004

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Waterbuck East Cape, SA 2004

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The outfitter had been trying to get this bull for a while. He hung around in one particular canyon, but he hadn't been able to connect. We caught him coming out of the canyon. When he stopped walking and looked our direction, Andrew ranged him at 521 yds. I compensated, and squeezed the trigger. He flipped over backward into a patch of brush and didn't come out. 20 minutes later while Andrew was getting the truck, I saw the waterbuck's head and neck come out of the patch of brush. First shot, nothing, at second shot,(we later found out this shot had creased his neck) the bull leaped out and headed downhill at a run! The next four shots (at a run and 400+ yds!) either just missed high or hit under his belly. These shots were taken as he moved thru small openings. Out of bullets! Crap! The other PH was called in and we put two Jack Russells on the blood trail. 300yds from where he was first hit (right behind the shoulder, but too low to catch the heart) he blew up out of the brush. After a 100yd chase we rounded a corner to see the bull in a tank, belly deep fighting Jack and Jackson while they swam in circles around him. One more shot finished the ordeal!
#1 Fri February 17, 2012 7:26pm


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