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Kudu East Cape, SA 2004

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Kudu East Cape, SA 2004

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We spotted this bull with his harem over a mile away and across a canyon. They were in a clearing on the east facing slope taking in the warm morning sun as it came up that morning. It was a mad scramble to close the distance before he moved out of the small clearing. Thirty minutes later I slid down a slope to get a rest on a tree. Andrew ranged him at 438yds. I compensated and squeezed...The bullet impact was heard as he bunched up and staggered backward. Just as I reloaded, he fell and rolled to a clift and off he fell for about 25ft. Andrew and I both let out a yell that my wife heard over a mile away while she waited at the truck! My dream had come thru in spectacular fashion!:D
#1 Mon February 20, 2012 3:58pm

Wow, that is a stud!
#2 Mon January 18, 2016 11:38pm

Excellent Kudu. Love it!
#3 Sun January 24, 2016 1:01am


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