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Bowhunting Bontebok in South Africa

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Bowhunting Bontebok in South Africa

I’ve just returned from a hunt in Queenstown in the Eastern Cape for a trophy Bontebok, and managed to take a fantastic trophy on the first day after a long stalk and 54 yard shot in testing conditions. The 15 ¾” Ram (SCI Score 45 ¼”) completes my Grand Slam for the species Damaliscus Dorcas (Common Blesbuck, White Blesbuck and Bontebok). The hunt took place on Roydon Private Nature Reserve just outside of Queenstown and apart from a good number of Bontebok they also have a healthy population of Springbuck, Fallow Deer, Red Hartebeest, Eland, Impala, Eastern Cape Kudu and Zebra. My close friend and long time hunting companion also managed to take a pair of very nice Springbuck, one of 14 ¼” at just over 90 yards with a rifle and another of 13 ½” at 72 yards with bow.

For those who might be interested my equipment used on this hunt was as follows:

•Hoyt Maxxis 35 Dangerous Game Series (93# @ 28.5”)
•Gold Tip Big Game 100+ arrows (540gr total weight @ 293fps)
•Muzzy 100gr 4-blade broadheads
•Winners Choice Strings & Cables
•Tightspot Quiver

Eland_John_May_Bow_Hunter_1.jpg Gemsbuck_John_May_Bow_Hunter_1.jpg bowhunting-bontebok.jpeg bowhunting-springbok.JPG 154.JPG
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