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Hunting Mule Deer

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Hunting Mule Deer

Cold Mule Deer

Although a little more story than photo description. You'll get the point.

I had waited three years to get the chance to hunt with her, as schooling had somehow gotten in the way. With the draw successful, graduation now passed, her new work schedule would leave us with only 3 days for the trophy Mule Deer.

She was determined to beat her last trophy, so a lot of bucks just walked away. Winter arrived with a vengeance, blowing snow creating drifts that were feet deep and wind chills in the minus 40’s.

In the last afternoon we started the walk along the edge of the coulees and almost immediately a good 4 point buck was spotted bedded down with his harem across a coulee within 100 yards of the top rim. Any lower and the hauling required would make the trophy qualifications much too high.

I ranged the buck at 398 yards. She lay down extended the bipod and got set. The does roused and started milling about and then slowly started to meander off. The buck began to follow and stopped broadside. I said “If you are comfortable you should take him. Squeeze the trigger slowly and hold a few inches high.”

To create some anxiety we watched four bucks leave through the head of the coulee basin as we made our way around the rim.

After a short search we dragged her trophy up over the rim through the drifts and gullies and got this picture.

It was a great shot and an excellent trophy providing adventure from start to finish.

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#1 Mon March 28, 2011 3:38am

what an adventure, one we are all dreaming of! Fantastic Smile
#2 Mon March 28, 2011 3:41am


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