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Bowhunting Kudu

I am a Tradional Bowhunter.
I normally shoot a Hoyt GameMaster Recurve 70#, which had been sent forward to the Heja Lodge ready for my departure when, fate, offered me some more time...
I just couldn't help myself... I went out with a the farms Compound with Sights and Release Aid...
I have taught quite a few of Carin & Tielman's friends how to shoot a compound with sights & release aid since I had been there.
So I thought I would use Tielman's coumpoud to harvest some more meat for the farm.
I was looking to take an Oryx or two or three.

I saw a Mature Kudu Bull about 12:00 and he must have seen or nosed me... He barked at me and took off...
I must have taken one too many pictures or moved a little too much.

Something caught my eye a couple of hours later,and I looked over to it... I saw horns everywhere... Like heads of asparagus...
Eight large Kudu Bulls browsing toward me, very little wind and I thought I'll be smelt for sure...

I was too scared to take pictures for fear of scaring them off...
Almost three hours and two letdowns later, one presents a shot...

Taken at AGAGIA Hunting Lodge Namibia, on the 24/11/2009

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